seed issues with worldwide seed distributors. no germ!


The original post you had here agreed with me. Learn to read...."Germination out of grow medium is retarded" means that he believes it's stupid to use a paper towel or a glass of water.

But you're right, you came on here seeking answers, but didn't find the one you were hoping for. So we must be wrong...your ignorance is astounding. So you've had trouble germinating plenty of seeds your way is what you're saying? And the only person that agrees with you has had trouble germinating seeds? Might want to reread this whole thread and see what direction it's leaning.

But you're right, what do I know?
You are absolutely right...that was indeed my fault I mis read what he wrote. But its kind of hard to disagree with germinating in paper towels, water, etc when places like barneys, kind seeds company, green house seeds, etc...ya know the guys who breed and grow the best in the world...when that's how they recommend to germinate them.

And I didn't come here with any pre-conceived notions about my way being the only way to germinate seeds...hence the orriginal posting! I was looking for other possibilities that could help out! My problem was how you replied to the orriginal post. Instead of giving factual info and helping a guy out you decided to be a little smartass. THAT'S where my issue lied with you. Not with what was between the lines of that. I'm not above taking advice from others! That's why I posted the thread in the first place. But I AM above dealing with people who act like a smartass when someone in simply seeking advice and help! People come here for help and advice not to deal with smart ass assholes!


The other problem with ordering seeds is choosing the seeds. There are so many damn choices that I wind up getting lost and just putting the computer
Lol! True! It can be quite overwhelming! But a lot of websites/seed distributors have helped make it easier on you by breaking it down to the exact type of plant you are looking for (height/flowering period/feminized/indoor/outdoor/etc) that way u just select what your looking for and it will greatly narrow down the choice so as not to be so overwhelming.


Well-Known Member
You are absolutely right...that was indeed my fault I mis read what he wrote. But its kind of hard to disagree with germinating in paper towels, water, etc when places like barneys, kind seeds company, green house seeds, etc...ya know the guys who breed and grow the best in the world...when that's how they recommend to germinate them.

And I didn't come here with any pre-conceived notions about my way being the only way to germinate seeds...hence the orriginal posting! I was looking for other possibilities that could help out! My problem was how you replied to the orriginal post. Instead of giving factual info and helping a guy out you decided to be a little smartass. THAT'S where my issue lied with you. Not with what was between the lines of that. I'm not above taking advice from others! That's why I posted the thread in the first place. But I AM above dealing with people who act like a smartass when someone in simply seeking advice and help! People come here for help and advice not to deal with smart ass assholes!
Dude your response to him being a "little bit of a smartass" was way out of line and you continue with the name calling. You are correct, there are different ways to germ seeds but think of it this way.....Millions of years of evolution=seed+soil+water=healthy plants and better success germinating them. The large breeders may recommend doing the paper towel method but you can easily damage fragile roots and hairs on the roots. They are more prone to attack from fungal diseases when germed outside of soil. So maybe try putting the seeds in some soil, water, keep them warm and make sure they are kept moist, not wet, and give them light once they sprout. There ya go.


Dude your response to him being a "little bit of a smartass" was way out of line and you continue with the name calling. You are correct, there are different ways to germ seeds but think of it this way.....Millions of years of evolution=seed+soil+water=healthy plants and better success germinating them. The large breeders may recommend doing the paper towel method but you can easily damage fragile roots and hairs on the roots. They are more prone to attack from fungal diseases when germed outside of soil. So maybe try putting the seeds in some soil, water, keep them warm and make sure they are kept moist, not wet, and give them light once they sprout. There ya go.
Lol!!! Please xplain to me how saying someone is a smartass when they clearly are being one is out of line? Lol! I honestly don't care if it offends you in any way shape form or fashion. It wasn't directed towards you...though if you had responded that way it would have been.

And yes...evolution has made the plants to germinate in soil..but in the wild the germination rate is astoudingly low...hence why people come up with other methods. Growing plants via hydroponics isn't exactly the way nature intended but it works so we do it.


Well-Known Member
Here is everything that you said above. Something about slapping the taste out of his cocksucking mouth.....I am offended when some newb with 22 posts comes on here insulting senior members like that. It's people like you that ruin this site for the rest of us. Good day to you sir!

Edit: evidently it wouldn't quote the post because it was reported but I read it and saw what you was offensive and out of line period!


Here is everything that you said above. Something about slapping the taste out of his cocksucking mouth.....I am offended when some newb with 22 posts comes on here insulting senior members like that. It's people like you that ruin this site for the rest of us. Good day to you sir!

Edit: evidently it wouldn't quote the post because it was reported but I read it and saw what you was offensive and out of line period!
Again...your comfort level and what offends you doesn't concern me in the least. And again...just because someone is a senior member doesn't mean they can't also be an asshole. And its people who are assholes to people who are seeking knowledge that ruin sites for other people. Again...your opinion and what offends you doesn't concern me even a tiny bit so good day to you as well! :)


Well-Known Member
Again...your comfort level and what offends you doesn't concern me in the least. And again...just because someone is a senior member doesn't mean they can't also be an asshole. And its people who are assholes to people who are seeking knowledge that ruin sites for other people. Again...your opinion and what offends you doesn't concern me even a tiny bit so good day to you as well! :)
That's cool. You won't be around for long. See ya!


Well-Known Member
supercalifragileisticexpealidocious.......aslong as were wasting bandwith with stupid fuckin posts, when nobody cares....why not

yea im a senior member ive been here for almost 3 so cool


Well-Known Member
supercalifragileisticexpealidocious.......aslong as were wasting bandwith with stupid fuckin posts, when nobody cares....why not

yea im a senior member ive been here for almost 3 so cool
It's about respect my friend. I guess that's something that some people aren't taught. If the posts are pointless no one is forcing you to read them.


Well-Known Member
It's about respect my friend. I guess that's something that some people aren't taught. If the posts are pointless no one is forcing you to read them.
Doc, thanks for trying to help, but stop wasting your time. This guy can't even germinate seeds. I don't need his respect, I don't have silly questions and any time wasted on this foolish, disrespectful, worthless troll is time I'm not spending helping other, respectful new growers who might have questions. This guy got the answers that he sought and it's done with. He still has no plants, no beans and he can go on his merry way buying bud. I really couldn't care ANY less, but I hate to see you wasting your time on this. These disrespectful low lifes come around more often than we'd like, but they are free to come. They take advice from other noobs and have limited success.



Well-Known Member
Doc, thanks for trying to help, but stop wasting your time. This guy can't even germinate seeds. I don't need his respect, I don't have silly questions and any time wasted on this foolish, disrespectful, worthless troll is time I'm not spending helping other, respectful new growers who might have questions. This guy got the answers that he sought and it's done with. He still has no plants, no beans and he can go on his merry way buying bud. I really couldn't care ANY less, but I hate to see you wasting your time on this. These disrespectful low lifes come around more often than we'd like, but they are free to come. They take advice from other noobs and have limited success.

You are absolutely right my friend. I just hate seeing the site littered up with these disrespectful kids.



Well-Known Member
MY advice is not by any way noob I have been growing for over 30 years and yes some seeds are harder then others and YES slicing the side with as sharp blade such as a scalpel does very much work and since hes at the end of his roap.

DONT act like a jack ass come in give some smart as remarks sure he could have put it in the beginner area but he didnt give the guys some help not dickjheaded remarks

and doc111 its more senior memebers that I see around here littering up the place with smart ass remarks instead of giving people straight up help.

Dont be a dick? its a general statement and if you want to continue this that I calls them as I see them


Well-Known Member
MY advice is not by any way noob I have been growing for over 30 years and yes some seeds are harder then others and YES slicing the side with as sharp blade such as a scalpel does very much work and since hes at the end of his roap.

DONT act like a jack ass come in give some smart as remarks sure he could have put it in the beginner area but he didnt give the guys some help not dickjheaded remarks

and doc111 its more senior memebers that I see around here littering up the place with smart ass remarks instead of giving people straight up help.

Dont be a dick? its a general statement and if you want to continue this that I calls them as I see them
Okay guy, keep going on and on about your 30 years experience. I've seen your posts, no plants, no pictures, no grow journal, just talk...blah blah blah. Keep cutting your seeds and advising sorry, disrespectful noobs to do the same. You really think he has MULTIPLE seeds that need this treatment from MULTIPLE sources? Or do you think he's probably fucking it up? He's also had this problem with bagseed in the recent past. In your 30 years of growing (right....) how many times has this been necessary?

As a percentage of the seeds you have germinated without doing this what do you think you're looking at? Do you think he should go out and buy a lottery ticket with that kind of luck?

Good job on helping a noob cut up his seed instead of looking for where the real problem lies....100's of seeds, 100% germination for me. So I have to assume that it's much, much less than 1% of the time this would ever be necessary. I would venture to guess it's more like .0001% of the time that this technique is either a) Necessary or b) Helpful. So keep on keepin on with the bad advice and I'll go on growing plants and help others that wish to as well.


Well-Known Member
How have you been growing for 30 years? It's hard to do when you're in your twenties isn't it? Man, being full of shit is just goin' around here these days.

Crock of shit.

Oh man, I've actually found a thread where you said you'd been growing for 20 years, one where you said you were in your twenties and nothing...I mean nothing of a grow It must suck being so worthless you have to tell lies all of the time. Oh well, it is the internet and you shouldn't believe what you read.


Well-Known Member
ya sorry hit one numbers wrong 20 years and yes i was in my twenties asshole 29 just turned 30 wooo happy birthday to me and sure I can waste my time going threw your posts and raddle on like a crying little bitch but as I said befor carrying this on any more is just out right being a dick head douchebag end this stuff like a real man

pretty bad you have to stay on here reading threw posts just to come back and fire off another reply wooo arn't we cool as for pics and shit sure I have them but do I need to show teh hole world no I was right up there on overgrow go look in there grow faqs end of story I wipe my hands clean from this big stinking pile of the nastiest shit I have ever had to deal with raddle on and on could a monitor just close this already I ate dealing with winy people that just want to be dicks on this site gess just give advice there is no reason about being a dick about it if you have nothing to said dont open you cake hole


Well-Known Member
You know, I tried to keep this thread on topic with my posts and keep my 2 cents out. But since you guys trashed the thread I have to say laserbrn you are completely in the wrong. You may bring up some valid points but WTF??

laserbrn said:
Have you tried anything wild and crazy like putting it in soil and moistening the soil? I've heard of seeds that really like it when you plant them and stop dunking them in water and placing them between paper towels. Give it a shot!
Your first post comes off rude as hell, go ahead and try and tell me there is no sarcasm there. You opened the whole can of worms and now your upset because he gave you a shot back? Chances are that kushey is on a few message forums if he knew how to find this one and probably has seen plenty of "senior" members such as yourself. So that's not to say that I haven't been a little rude to newbies when they post the same questions over and over, especially when there is the search function.

...just because someone is a senior member doesn't mean they can't also be an asshole. And its people who are assholes to people who are seeking knowledge that ruin sites for other people.
Amen to that! I moderate a car message board that has 28K+ members and we have put a few senior members into our lockdown due to there ego's.

So, how bout those seeds?bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie