please help leaves drying out got pics


Active Member
i just re potted my plants in to bigger pots 2 days a go and 1 of them is almost dead ant the other has droopy leaves i think the one with droopy leaves is just over watered but the other one all the leaves have dryed up and crumbled away in just 2 days! help can i save her?

sorry about the bad pic dont have my prop cam with me just a phone



New Member
idk if thats salvageable lol but itll let you know def look like some mayb overwaterd also some seem to be stretching.


Active Member
ya the stretching was from the start when they didnt have propper light but they have 400w mh now so there fine the 1s in the bigger pots have been burryed to take up the stock thanks for your input bud


Active Member
ya the stretching was from the start when they didnt have propper light but they have 400w mh now so there fine the 1s in the bigger pots have been burryed to take up the stock thanks for your input bud

can any1 else help??????? think there is 3 of them now dieing!!!!!!! help


Well-Known Member
get some fertilizer that is high in Nitrogen.
I have some organic miracle grow stuff that is 24-8-16, and it's good for veg growth.


Well-Known Member
IF you sprayed the leaves with the lights on the water acts as a magnifying glass and magnifies the lights which can burn your plants to crisp in a matter of hours..if you spray the leaves make sure the lights are off


Active Member
ya i done that be4 but no they wornt sprayed its just after i repotted them i know that to much nuts isnt good but can it kill aplant in 2 days?


Well-Known Member
Um, I am pretty sure compost is meant to be added to soil, not potted right into it. I dont know that brand but we have compost here and you mix that with soil. It says right on the bag not to use alone as a potting medium.

I would get a no brainer, supersoil, or any premium potting soil. Take your worst one. Unpot, gently shake away any loose soil. Soak the roots in a bowl of purified tepid water. This will remove anything toxic if present.

Gently repot in new fresh soil. Water with b12 supplement and keep under mild light source until growth begins (away from hid or cfl).

You do run the risk of shocking the plant, but from the looks of it, they are greatly stressed already. try the worst one and if it does not get worse in 3-4 hours, start doing the other ones.

To me it looks like the compost is too strong of a medium for your girls.


Active Member
ok the stuff is sutable for potting. iv taking them and repotted them again with half corse sand and half the potting compost and just watered with tap water i have noticed that there isnt a lot of root growth what can i use to help plants grow there roots??