Question about mixing shrooms???

Call it what you will. Still the most profound experience possible if you let it take you where it will. Just keep your mind straight. Don't let your internal monologue go completely deluded and incoherent. Contemplate things in calm manner. :-)


Well-Known Member
Call it what you will. Still the most profound experience possible if you let it take you where it will. Just keep your mind straight. Don't let your internal monologue go completely deluded and incoherent. Contemplate things in calm manner. :-)
I do comtemplate in a calm manner but my physical senses feel so constrained I feel like some kind of criminal in shackles!
Call it what you will. Still the most profound experience possible if you let it take you where it will. Just keep your mind straight. Don't let your internal monologue go completely deluded and incoherent. Contemplate things in calm manner. :-)

In this post I'm talking about Deliriants and in the occasional trip, dissociatives.
Maybe on a dissociative. But on Datura you are completely in your mind but you are entirely unaware that anything has changed. You appear to still be perfectly connected to reality. Then you stumble upon your dead brother who seems to be alive. :-D


Well-Known Member
Maybe on a dissociative. But on Datura you are completely in your mind but you are entirely unaware that anything has changed. You appear to still be perfectly connected to reality. Then you stumble upon your dead brother who seems to be alive. :-D
Whoa a conundrum that seems too profound... a puzzle of that magnitude could have some value but am I worthy enough?