What medium would be best..


Hi everyone,

I just finished a soil/perlite/vermiculite grow and I was satisfied with the results but am sure that they werent being watered properly and the soil ended up compacting alot even though it was 40% perlite and 20%vermiculite, so my root system wasnt perfect to say the least.

I've been debating between coco, rockwool, hydroton, and just attempting another soil with a different mix. The main things to keep in mind are that I plan to hand water, and work during the day so only possible to water in the morning and at night at best case. Also I wont have a ph or ec meter for a while because the one I bought last week was lost by a dunce, i mean friend, that i know. And I dont have the money to buy another yet as I need to deal with odor and fix up my exhaust for the winter first.

Ive done a fair bit of looking into these mediums but id like some advice on how difficult its going to be only watering once maybe twice a day and not using a ph meter for the first month or 2, and anything else i need to know.



Well-Known Member
If you go with coco and decent size pots you can go days without watering. I use 7 gal smart pots with B'Cuzz coco coir and water every third day and the girls are very happy. They are the 9 Day into flower in my avatat if you don't want to jump over to my journal. I water the babies once every night. Oh, I am hand watering.


If you go with coco and decent size pots you can go days without watering. I use 7 gal smart pots with B'Cuzz coco coir and water every third day and the girls are very happy. They are the 9 Day into flower in my avatat if you don't want to jump over to my journal. I water the babies once every night. Oh, I am hand watering.
ty sir checking out your journal!

anyone else have any advice on the matter? id like to hear some oppinions on rockwool vs coco mainly in terms of watering and feeding.


Well-Known Member
Fox farms stuff seems to have a good rep. I've gotta locate some (hopefully locally!!!). I'm about 2/3 done with my 1st indoor grow (it's a LOT different than outdoors growing!!!!). I just used straight Miracle-gro time release soil, but I flushed the hell out of it before use and have not added ANY nutrients since then (9 weeks now). I've got absolutely no complaints thus far --- the plants are impressive looking (currently 22-24" and incredibly thick and bushy -- from bag seeds of unknown strain) with no signs of any nutrient issues yet.

Next time I'll probably go with the Fox Farms r I'll just make up something of my own.