528 gph pump $9.00


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up OP
It said 528 GPH submersible pump in the confirmation e-mail
This is sweet lol


Well-Known Member
great find but what if its cheep and breaks? another question, of the unit im building calls for a 396gph, is this 528gph gonna be too much pressure??


Active Member
great find but what if its cheep and breaks? another question, of the unit im building calls for a 396gph, is this 528gph gonna be too much pressure??
PVC/mister set up?

If so, no. I've seen people use 633gph+. You could always add more misters if you were worried about pressure, but it should be fine.

It looks similar to the EcoPlus pumps. Worth a shot I guess, but you might want to have a backup on hand.

Illegal Smile

Has anyone considered that these are known to be defective or at least unreliable and that's why they are being dumped cheap?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
my last pump was 20 dollars with shipping. The dam thing worked like a charm for every ebb and flow and aeroponic project I was working on.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
yeah, lol, and they strike me, fedex I guess, as being as slow to ship. I looked on a map, I Could walk faster to the store! arrrrrrrrrrrrr :)


Hey everybody, I ordered my yesterday. Got a confirmation 528 gph submirsible fountain pump $8. + tax and shipping=$16.77. Shipped fedex today. I should receive it 2marrow. I'll let you know first impressions. I also just bought an 80mm cpu fan for $2.00. I've got that running in my little greenhouse for legit plants. Very quiet. I spliced it into an old cell phone charger. I found an electronics wholesale place that has boxes of fans, all $2.oo.
Thanks for all positive thoughts.


Active Member
I guess they sold out quick :)?

I ordered 2 and it looks like mine will be here soon as well. I'll try them out side by side with my EcoPlus 396 and report back.


Active Member
Please do man that would be great
It looks like mine won't be here until the 19th

Mine arrived today.

I have to head in to work, but it looks good. It looks JUST like my EcoPlus 396, except it's about twice as big. 528 GPH was not a typo (confirmed in the manual) and it came with a whole bunch of crazy fountain attachments.

It basically looks like it's an EcoPlus pump (its constructed the exact same way...and the outlet is the exact same size and even has a few of the same attachments) packaged with some extra attachments and sold as a fountain pump.

It looks like this turned out to be a legit/great deal... I'll give the pump an actual test later tonight though...


just received min, just like insane said, lots of fountain extras. Tried out the accessories in a bucket and the flow looks good. I also tried a single spray head but got a distorted spray pattern. I'm guessing too much volume for one spray head. Will try a PVC/ mist setup and report later.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I got mine. I am also writing in italics somehow. Cool. Anyway, I have it with exclone sprayers in a five gallon bucket and some pvc. Great setup. Just dropped in a super lemon haze. Hope she makes it out. I thought of just putting on some of the fountain head attachments and using that as a cloner or aero. It should work, lol.