its a male right


Active Member
Just want to confirm these pictures as male plants so I can free up the room and start some cloning or new seedlings

this picture is one of the best i could get at the time, those are sacs correct? the rest have those too so its my best guess that they are males?




Well-Known Member
Looks like a male to me. Female plants don't have sacks or clusters of sacks. With females you'd see white pistils coming out where those balls are. But jst to be on the safe side wait for some others to respond before ya pull it.


imo that'd be a male my friend many beans did you plant? if it was lot and they are all male...every thing i have learned is from old schoolers..keeping them above80* when sprouting increases odd of well for me anyhow..


Active Member
keeping them above80* when sprouting increases odd of well for me anyhow..
Thats good to know, I'll make sure to sprout like that in the future and see how it works out

Looks like a male to me. Female plants don't have sacks or clusters of sacks. With females you'd see white pistils coming out where those balls are. But jst to be on the safe side wait for some others to respond before ya pull it.
yeah I figured it was probably a male with the sacs, just wanted to post and see what other more experienced growers thought, I have 6 with small white pistils for sure.

yep its def a male... they are usually taller and lankier than the females of the same strain too.
yeah I've noticed that, all the males were pretty tall and the ones with the white hair coming out the tops were smaller in height.

I planted 25 or 26, 8 are showing male(the ones I posted), 6 are for sure female(with white pistils), the rest I cannot tell yet. How long can you let them grow in the same group if you know they are male already?

Thanks for the reply's, all really helpful to me.


Active Member
yeah totally, Ive been reading this forum for a while now learning about how to tell the genders and such so that helped a lot too, but I figured it would be safe to ask just to make sure I didn't chuck out something worth keeping.
I have a huge bag full of seeds left too, well over 100... from my mom lol. parents aren't always bad eh.


Well-Known Member
Thats good to know, I'll make sure to sprout like that in the future and see how it works out

yeah I figured it was probably a male with the sacs, just wanted to post and see what other more experienced growers thought, I have 6 with small white pistils for sure.

yeah I've noticed that, all the males were pretty tall and the ones with the white hair coming out the tops were smaller in height.

I planted 25 or 26, 8 are showing male(the ones I posted), 6 are for sure female(with white pistils), the rest I cannot tell yet. How long can you let them grow in the same group if you know they are male already?

Thanks for the reply's, all really helpful to me.
the males should show first but for the question on how long you can keep them in the same room, im not so sure. If i were you id just pull the males as soon as i knew for sure they were male. But if they are all the same strain the males for the most part show their sex a few days before the females. You have plenty of time to tell. When you see anymore lookin like the ones you have in the pics just pull them and you should be fine.:bigjoint:


the males should show first but for the question on how long you can keep them in the same room, im not so sure. If i were you id just pull the males as soon as i knew for sure they were male. But if they are all the same strain the males for the most part show their sex a few days before the females. You have plenty of time to tell. When you see anymore lookin like the ones you have in the pics just pull them and you should be fine.:bigjoint:
for sure i agree the males "most of the time" show themselves..they don't bust one ha ha until you flip and the females are receptive "during flowing" boys being boys and you yank them around ready or not they will bust open and leave behind the pollen on hands clothing fans you get the picture...i always to be safe bag them cut the base and tie to reduced the possibility of beans here or there..pollen last quite a while..better safe than sorry