Barneys farm G13 Haze and Greenhouse seeds lemon Skunk


Active Member
Here is my grow journal on G13 haze and lemon skunk. The G13 is already 4 weeks into flower whereas the lemon Skunk is only into day 2 of flowering. The G13 is huge due to LST and supercropping. I will post pictures from baby to bud hopefully. I have been taking picturesall the way throughout the g13 lifecycle so i will post them soon as i get the chance.:bigjoint:the photos are all dated the first pictur is of the G13 when it was just a baby 2 days old. I will be posting the next set of pictures very soon. we are at 29.09.09 at the moment i have photos all the wa upto 10.11.09.



Active Member
here are the next set of pictures of my G13 Haze from barneys farm. I have a 4oow HPS a 50w UFO LED and two 14W LED panels and a small CFL 18W. No extraction system so the temp is 23-27 C, Vitalink plant Start to Bio Bizz Grow and Bio Bizz Heaven and Bio Link Plus and Silicon. Then Bio Bizz Bloom with bio Bizz heaven again.


Well-Known Member
I''l be watching, good luck:bigjoint: Check out my journal,,,Barney's Farm G13 X Haze, is unreal,,,I can't wait to smoke it! Outta 2 seeds got 2 different pheno's and on is Amazing,,,plus got 3 more seeds left...good choice:peace:


Active Member
I''l be watching, good luck:bigjoint: Check out my journal,,,Barney's Farm G13 X Haze, is unreal,,,I can't wait to smoke it! Outta 2 seeds got 2 different pheno's and on is Amazing,,,plus got 3 more seeds left...good choice:peace:
Hey how far intoflowering are you? And here are the next set of pictures!! Anyone please let me know if my plants ar edoing ok and healthy!



Active Member
il post the next set of pictures next week in 5 days time. My baby is flowering now and the buds are just forming!!


Active Member
I'm about 7 and a half weeks,,,Going to chop one of the G13's Saturday. I have no experience with CFL's or Led's so good Luck man.
Can you help me mate i have been looking at your pictures and am really very worried about my plant. She has been flowering for nearly 4 weeks now and all she has to show is lots of white hair, noswelling up and getting fat like those onderful buds isaw in your pics. at 4 weeks how big was your buds? also i thought mate that the G13 is a 70-80 day flowering, that make sit 10 weeks -11.5 weeks. so how come you are chopping at 8 weeks or so?? Please help me by telling me if 4 weeks flowering should have made my g13 buds swell up big because they have not swelled up as yet. i have been using the 400w HPS ever since i started flowering i dont know whats wrong?:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:


Well-Known Member
Well, A 400 watt HPS is well enough to do the job, Maybe the lights are to far away? Does your grow room have enough ventalation, to keep them close? Tempetures,,,Nutes,,,,soil etc...PM me with what your grow room soil lights nutes etc are and I'll try and help ya out. I am in the US,,,So I can only help you with what I know. I get with ya Later I need to sleep..and Like I said there are a couple different pheno's of Barney's I conclude, One is almost done the other is a few weeks more INMO.


Active Member
Well, A 400 watt HPS is well enough to do the job, Maybe the lights are to far away? Does your grow room have enough ventalation, to keep them close? Tempetures,,,Nutes,,,,soil etc...PM me with what your grow room soil lights nutes etc are and I'll try and help ya out. I am in the US,,,So I can only help you with what I know. I get with ya Later I need to sleep..and Like I said there are a couple different pheno's of Barney's I conclude, One is almost done the other is a few weeks more INMO.
Hey peach! I am 4 weeks in now and just look at those photos, it seems she has only started to flower. The hairs popped out on 21 days into flowering. Im real worried!!:wall::sad:. Anyway im using basic compost for seedlings cuttings 40% and perlite 30% and vermiculite 30%. Bio Bizz Nutes. As baby was fed Vitalink plantstart and Bio Bizz heaven. Than onto Bio Bizz Grow and more heaven. than now onto Bio Biz Bloom and more heaven. The temp is between 21-27 during day and 18-19 during night. humidity i dont know as i cannot measure, but plenty of fresh air as tent door is always open. No extraction system (im saving). Please have a lookat those photos someone, anyone who has grown G13 haze, is that normal for four weeks of flowering?, I have been told by the people who sold me the seed that it takes 10-12 weeks in total some even take 13 while others take 9-10 weeks. it seems i have a 12-13 weeker here. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Being a first timer im real worried that these buds are not growing, because i see in pictures in other placesthat the buds are huge and big lready by week 4 so whats wrong with mine? is it because it is the haze thing and it grows slowly or somthin? im grasping at straws here in an effort to soothe my worries.



Well-Known Member
Im guessing your plant has been stunted by something during the transition. It looks like it is coming along nicely though. Just give it time. The buds will come. Get that HPS within 12-16 inches of your plant, i can get it a foot away with the right temps and a fan, without any leaves canoeing due to heat.


Active Member
Heya! Here is the first picture of the lemon skunk 3 weeks veg and one week into flower. and first pictures of the hydro G13 haze cutting and the soil 3 in 1 pot G13 Haze cuttings. They are the result of me chopping off the lower branches off mummy and trying my first ever cloning. i was 100% succesful all four of my branches rooted in 16 days. three in one soil pot and one in oxygenated water 12 days. Here they all are! The cuttings had 4 weeks in total from when i cut them vegging and are now in 1 week of flowering. :hug:
First Pic; Mummy and babies with lemon in White container on top left corner of pic, all i tent sunbathing.
Second Pic; Mummy's Branch showing hair wth led panel for side lights.
Third pic; The Three G13 Haze Cuttings in One Big Pot.
Fourth Pic; Lemon Skunk, G13 Leaf can be seen on Right and Mango leaf on left, She is sitting in the mango tree's pot.
Fifth pic; Is the G13 Haze Cutting in Hydro Homemade DWC. It is the branch i put into oxygenated water, it simply has stayed in there i just changed water added nutrients, alterd p.h. and blocked out all ligt to water.



Active Member
I have the HPS at 10-11 inch away with a strong fan blowing the canopy constantly i manage to keep it at 23-27 C. The plant does not seem to mind as far as i can see. Thank You mate for the advise, i think they may have been hurt when i had to cut the bottom off the pot she was in (12 litre) because it just was not enough for her and put it on top of a bigger fatter pot with another 12 litres of soil in it i think she may have been upset about that. That really taught me a lesson next time i will begin in a 2 litre pot than put her straight into her final home, a 30 litre pot.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait for my greenhouse lemon skunks to arrive. T-minus how ever many days it takes the delivery man to get here... haha


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Please help! I have a G13 haze from barneys farm. G13 X Hawaiian Haze. It is a sativa (Hawaiian Haze) dominant strain that takes 70-80 days as advertised. I am now 34 days in to flowering and yet my flowers do not seem to be growing. I have a 400w HPS and 50w LED and small 18W CFL, In soil/perlite/vermic with bio bizz organic nutrients, grow, bloom and heaven plus vitalink plantstart as baby. My plant due to neccessity recieves 16-18 hours of dark and 6-8 hours of light for 2 days every week. I think this is what has stunted/delayed the flowering by a good couple of weeks. WILL MY YIELD BE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED? or will it just take longer for me to finish and still get the same amount and potency of bud?


Active Member
Im guessing your plant has been stunted by something during the transition. It looks like it is coming along nicely though. Just give it time. The buds will come. Get that HPS within 12-16 inches of your plant, i can get it a foot away with the right temps and a fan, without any leaves canoeing due to heat.
My roll it up page just changed!! My threads last posted etc have all gone damn whats going on?


Active Member
have truly become broken hearted!!! So time keeping the lighting and making sure the correct number of hours of light/dark is provided at the relevant stage of growth is a FUNDAMENTAL aspect of growing INDOORS. So even though nearly all other significant aspcts of plant growth have been met (22-26C/18-19C temps, Bio Bizz nutrients, 80w of light per square foot of HPS 400w,LED 80w,CFL 18w for 6.25 square feet, Constant Fan exchange of fesh air from outside p.h altered water/nutes to 6.5. I genuinely really tried yet have failed simply because the lighting hours did not correspond with what the plant needed. i Guess we only learn through error, in future i will not undertake a grow if i am not able to meet this fundamental requirement. Even Still Officially i have 7 weeks left to finish. 7 Weeks is a long time, and i am sincerely hoping that my flowers will swell up in that time. Also i think it will take me a week or so extra to finish being a beginner, so thats 8 weeks from now, Plenty of time for them flowers to get big and heavy. Wish me luck everyone!! I was hoping for about 60 grams from my plant but now i think i will be lucky to get 30g. I WILL NEVER GROW AGAIN.


Well-Known Member
Looks really good man, I will be watching this one. Blueberry is supposed to take around 55 days but it looks like I still have a while to go so maybe were gonna harvest around the same time


Active Member
my Nokia N95 Mobile Phone has been stolen!!!! i was using my phone to take pictures now i hve no camera!!!! I have already gotmy replacement phone which is a cheap and nasty one!!! This one cannot even take pictures under the lights. it come sout with lines all over the picture. I absolutely loved that phone an dthat camera was jus superb. I am really upset!! That phone is worth 300 pounds man. now i hve a cheap and nasty 100 pound replacement. i will put up some pictures very soon as soon as i am able to take some decent photos. i thin if i get her out of the tent and take picture it will come out much better instead of trying to take pic under the HPS. My baby is budding profusely with white hairs everywhere but the buds do not seem to be swelling much. I have been told by a friend who grows who took a look at my baby that the problem is the pot, not enough room for such a big plant. He said that otherwise my baby is beautiful and would have produced heavily if only ihad her in a much larger pot. i have her in rouhly about 15 litres of medium he said it should have atleast 30 litres to get good results. he also said my photoperiod problem woul have only delayed flowering and not affected the end yield by much, and that the yield had suffered as a result of lack of root space in main. Im really pissed off man,so if i had grown in double size pot i still would have got a big yield even after the photoperiod problem. I guess we only learn properly by making the mistakes and reflecting on it. I WILL HAVE SOME PICTURES UP VERY SOON.


Active Member
Hello Everyone!! have cheered myself up a and stopped worrying!! i guess i was simply expecting too much for a first grow, i made some big mistakes on the way and i will not make ever again. My darling is not swelling as much as i would have liked her to but hey damn it even if i get 30 grams of kick ass smoke il be pleased. She still has officially 29 out of 80 days so she still ahs some more growing to do ( I HOPE) She is still producing more flowers and does not seem to be ripening at all, i seriously doubt it will be ready in 4 weeks. I think it will take me 9-12 days extra to get it ready, My hydro cutting is looking beautiful, i am seriously hoping she produces for me as she is in a 15 litre bucket and ofcourse she is in water so she can really spread those roots as much as she wants. My three in a pot look tall and lanky in comparison to my fat stout hydro and have far smaller less developed branches coming off the stem. The hydro also has bigger fan/sun leaves, dman i hope thathydro works, i have no meters so i just guess the nutrients and check ph with this colour chart and dropper thing. This hydro was only a test to see if i can do it, and it seems i can grow a plant in water. Anyways here are some pics i took on this rubbish cheap mobile camera i got, you will see what i mean by the pics have lines going through them for some reason.

