Need Help! Leaves curl, turn yellow/brown/black

Start date: Oct 25
Soil mix: 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 pea pebble, 1/3 peat moss.

Used Miracle grow all purpose plant food at 1/8 to 1/4 the dose. Used just once so far.

Using CFLs.

Let me know if you guys need more info.

Leaves tips will curl, then it turns yellow. And it seems like over night the leave will turn black and dry up. Turns really brittle and falls apart when touched. This is only happening to the lower leaves. But when those dry up and die, it moves on to the next set of leaves.

What is causing this and how can a stop this and prevent it from happening again?



Looks like maybe bacterial or fungal problem maybe even chemical poisoning. Use a good potting soil (you can run it through a pressure cooker on a rack contained in turkey bags to sterilize it first), new pots (washing them with dish detergent first), use only distilled water, and try again.
I flushed them. I'll check the pH tomorrow.

Temp never got over 72 and no lower than 62.

I started using this spray that is good to use on stuff we can eat.

When I took my last grow down (for other reason), the same stuff was just starting to take over my clones.

I used some soil from that last grow, that was only used for a couple days, one week tops.

Is there any way to save them? Should I just toss these and start a new batch?

Thanks for the info.
If you are saying that what happened to the mother plant is happening for the clones then it will be a genetical defect, try getting new seeds.
If you are saying that what happened to the mother plant is happening for the clones then it will be a genetical defect, try getting new seeds.

No, I'm just saying this same stuff/thing starting happening right as a tossed my last batch. I used the same soil that was used for the clones I had in the last batch.

I didn't pay any attention to it last time because it was tossed before it got too bad.

But how can I get ride of it now and how can I prevent if from happening again or coming back?


Active Member
Start date: Oct 25
Soil mix: 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 pea pebble, 1/3 peat moss.

Used Miracle grow all purpose plant food at 1/8 to 1/4 the dose. Used just once so far.

Using CFLs.

Let me know if you guys need more info.

Leaves tips will curl, then it turns yellow. And it seems like over night the leave will turn black and dry up. Turns really brittle and falls apart when touched. This is only happening to the lower leaves. But when those dry up and die, it moves on to the next set of leaves.

What is causing this and how can a stop this and prevent it from happening again?
what is your total watts? if not looks like its a Miracle grow burn, i have seen alot of problems if that junk,. flush them and see if they live. they will not need nutes for a few weeks
Thos elittle ones are to small to dose with fert. Try to get a good soil and just lets them go on there own. Soil provides the nutrients in the begining. In soil your transplant and a good soil will provide nutrients for up to the first month.:leaf:
Thos elittle ones are to small to dose with fert. Try to get a good soil and just lets them go on there own. Soil provides the nutrients in the begining. In soil your transplant and a good soil will provide nutrients for up to the first month.:leaf:
I made my own soil mix. So this soil does not have any nutes.

Well it's a new day and it took over the next set of leaves.

I'm going to keep spraying them and see what happens in the next few days.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Looking at your pics, I can see your soil is soaked.How often are you watering?
Since you say you reused soil and it was happening to the clones you had in there earlier,and from looking at the pics, my guess is going to be a fungal problem.
You may be able to save these, if you're so inclined.
First get some clean containers you have sterilized with hot soapy water,rinsed,and sprayed with a mixture of peroxide and water.Let this set a few minutes, rinse, and dry.
Get some clean, unused soil.
Remove the contaminated plants and pots and set them aside until later. Clean your grow room by wiping down the surfaces with a mild bleach water solution, then dry.
Take the plants out of the contaminated pots and soil,gently rinse off as much dirt from the roots as you can,and dispose of the contaminated dirt. Wash your hands and repot the plants in the new soil. Sprinkle some cinnamon over the top of the new soil(it's a natural antifungal),and water the plants in like you normally would.Put them back in the grow room, and get an oscillating fan blowing back and forth across the plants right away.This will strengthen the stems and help to dry up the fungus. Do not water again until the soil is dry to about 1/2 to 1 inch in. Depending on pot size, this should take two or three days. Water with a solution of 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide per quart of water; this will deter fungus and give the roots a little oxygen boost. You can also mist some of this solution on the plant every other watering or so. Always let the soil get dry on top between waterings. EDIT: And stop misting once the problem clear up. As I look at your pics again, I really do think it's a fungus.Fungus tends to blacken things up.

Also, keep your humidity at the recommended levels for vegging outlined in the growfaq, which is between 50- and 60%. You can have it higher,but the higher it is, the more I'd recommend a good fan blowing on the plants.

Start date: Oct 25
Soil mix: 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 pea pebble, 1/3 peat moss.

Used Miracle grow all purpose plant food at 1/8 to 1/4 the dose. Used just once so far.

Using CFLs.

Let me know if you guys need more info.

Leaves tips will curl, then it turns yellow. And it seems like over night the leave will turn black and dry up. Turns really brittle and falls apart when touched. This is only happening to the lower leaves. But when those dry up and die, it moves on to the next set of leaves.

What is causing this and how can a stop this and prevent it from happening again?
I flushed them. I'll check the pH tomorrow.

Temp never got over 72 and no lower than 62.

I started using this spray that is good to use on stuff we can eat.

When I took my last grow down (for other reason), the same stuff was just starting to take over my clones.

I used some soil from that last grow, that was only used for a couple days, one week tops.

Is there any way to save them? Should I just toss these and start a new batch?

Thanks for the info.
Looking at your pics, I can see your soil is soaked.How often are you watering?
Since you say you reused soil and it was happening to the clones you had in there earlier,and from looking at the pics, my guess is going to be a fungal problem.
You may be able to save these, if you're so inclined.
First get some clean containers you have sterilized with hot soapy water,rinsed,and sprayed with a mixture of peroxide and water.Let this set a few minutes, rinse, and dry.
Get some clean, unused soil.
Remove the contaminated plants and pots and set them aside until later. Clean your grow room by wiping down the surfaces with a mild bleach water solution, then dry.
Take the plants out of the contaminated pots and soil,gently rinse off as much dirt from the roots as you can,and dispose of the contaminated dirt. Wash your hands and repot the plants in the new soil. Sprinkle some cinnamon over the top of the new soil(it's a natural antifungal),and water the plants in like you normally would.Put them back in the grow room, and get an oscillating fan blowing back and forth across the plants right away.This will strengthen the stems and help to dry up the fungus. Do not water again until the soil is dry to about 1/2 to 1 inch in. Depending on pot size, this should take two or three days. Water with a solution of 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide per quart of water; this will deter fungus and give the roots a little oxygen boost. You can also mist some of this solution on the plant every other watering or so. Always let the soil get dry on top between waterings. EDIT: And stop misting once the problem clear up. As I look at your pics again, I really do think it's a fungus.Fungus tends to blacken things up.

Also, keep your humidity at the recommended levels for vegging outlined in the growfaq, which is between 50- and 60%. You can have it higher,but the higher it is, the more I'd recommend a good fan blowing on the plants.

Everything got wiped down and sterilized before I started this batch, cept I used the old soil (lesson learned).

I've done alot of research/reading before doing this. I have Jorge Cervantes Bible sitting next to me. Plus I have watched numerous videos and read many books on growing. I have the knowledge, now I'm just applying it.

The soil is so wet because I just flushed them before taking the pictures.

My space is about 23" long, 11" deep, 22" high.

I sprayed some fungicide stuff on it again this morning. Looks like it stop taking over the plant for right now.

Some pics I took today.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And do you have any airflow in there? What's the ph of the water you're using? Because the curling leaf tips, the problem starting at the bottom of the plant and then working its way up leaves drying and dying...all could be mg deficiency. And looking at those last pics and the spots...kinda looks like one.From the growfaq:
Chlorophyll has the same structure as Hemoglobin, except that it has a magnesium atom in place of the Iron atom. Chlorophyll is how plants make sugars to feed the process of building ATP through the Krebs cycle.

A magnesium deficient plant is identified by intervenial chlorosis, necrosis, and eventually a lockout of plant nutrients. The problems starts at the bottom of the plants and works it?s way up.

These images depict different stages and signs of a magnesium deficiency. The first picture is a Mg deficient plant in flower, and the second two are of the leaves to show what I mean by Intervenial Chlorosis.

Treating with an Epsom salts mix will clear this right up.

I'd say wait a bit, and if it keeps getting worse, try the epsom salts in the water suggested above.
Everything got wiped down and sterilized before I started this batch, cept I used the old soil (lesson learned).

I've done alot of research/reading before doing this. I have Jorge Cervantes Bible sitting next to me. Plus I have watched numerous videos and read many books on growing. I have the knowledge, now I'm just applying it.

The soil is so wet because I just flushed them before taking the pictures.

My space is about 23" long, 11" deep, 22" high.

I sprayed some fungicide stuff on it again this morning. Looks like it stop taking over the plant for right now.

Some pics I took today.
Thanks for the info Stoney Mcfried.

Yes I have a fan at the top blowing air out. You can see it at the top of one of my pictures.

I'm wondering if that is what is also wrong with my fish tank.

I want to make a batch of some pHed water.

Can I put peroxide say in a gallon of water and use it over time, or will it evaporate over time? How much should I use?

Or am I going to have to mix it ever time I water?

Will I be all to mix some epson salt with it too and do the same thing? And again, how much to use?

My end goal is to use a gallon at a time for watering.

And thanks for the help.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Two tablespoons peroxide per quart of water is what I read.I don't think it will hurt the water to sit a while as long as you have it capped to stop evaporation;the peroxide may even help keep microbes from growing for a while. I teaspoon epsom salts per gallon of water. I'd probably put the epsom salts in each time I watered instead of letting it sit,because I'm unsure if letting it sit in the water is good, bad, or neutral.
And don't plan on a set amount of water for watering each time,because each plant is different and will take different amounts on different days. Just water till some water seeps out the bottom of the pots, then don't water again until the soil is dry to about a half inch down when you stick your finger in.
Thanks for the info Stoney Mcfried.

Yes I have a fan at the top blowing air out. You can see it at the top of one of my pictures.

I'm wondering if that is what is also wrong with my fish tank.

I want to make a batch of some pHed water.

Can I put peroxide say in a gallon of water and use it over time, or will it evaporate over time? How much should I use?

Or am I going to have to mix it ever time I water?

Will I be all to mix some epson salt with it too and do the same thing? And again, how much to use?

My end goal is to use a gallon at a time for watering.

And thanks for the help.


These plants are way to small for any kind of nute, Use pro mix Bx as a medium and no nutes except for molasses (just a touch) for the first 2 weeks, or until the plants are very well rooted, these plants are nute cooked. I learned my lesson with miracle grow when I first started. There is no way to know what the soil has in it. You need a medium that has nothing so you can start at 0-0-0 and you you exactly what and when you feed. The miracle grow time release is the worst! You have no control over when the plant is feed. I suggest you spend a little money on the right stuff the first time it is way cheaper than these expensive lessons. We have all been there man. Good luck.


On second thought I know of a couple nutes you could use at this stage, One is a clonex solution and the other is called root stock