ok need help with this can u tell me if this is a male or female yet

hey wats goin on guys i am getting the great wonderful weed smell off the plant is that a sign of being a female cause my friend had a male and it didnt give off anysmell unless u touched it and smelled ur fingers and putting some pics up and update and i have an area on the plant circled can u guys check that out and tell me if that sex parts thanks



truly, there is no telling until flower phase, not to mention some males can produce really good smoke. It can also vary depending on strain, you just wont KNOW for sure when they're in veg.


Active Member
truly, there is no telling until flower phase, not to mention some males can produce really good smoke. It can also vary depending on strain, you just wont KNOW for sure when they're in veg.
This dude dosent know what he is talking about. You cant smoke males:dunce: Your plant isnt showing signs of sex yet. You can sometimes tell sex from preflowers if vegged long enough.


Active Member
It is all up to you bud some people start flowering from seed some people veg for months. The longer you veg the more bud it will produce.


Active Member
I agree to your replies. This plant hasn't showed sex yet. Based on your dark scribbles, I can see your point of interest - and some people can tell gender - or so they say.
Give it some time. The pistil is good female preflower precursor. It looks like this.


so month and a half from wat u see from my the pics opf my plant i should veg for a couple more weeks need the advice wat would u do this is my first time grow