Plz Help I Dont Have a Clue Pics +Rep


Active Member
Hi all,
Right first things first they are 5 and a half weeks old been on 12/12 for 11 days and have just started to flower.
The problem started in week 3 when most of the big shade leaves started to yellow and then just die off.

Im sure its not nute burn i ran them on just water for a week and a half with no change.

Temp- 30'
Humidity 35-55
Ph- 5.7-6.9
EC- 18-20 using canna Products

I think its i diffency of some kind but this is my first grow so im a bit clueless

Pleeeeezzz Help Me

+rep for anyone that posts



Active Member
Your plants are not getting enough potassium!

This is very important, especially during flowering.

The photo above is experiencing a potassium deficiency, whih looks exactly similar to your plants. I suggest changing your nutrient solution. You can feed your plants seaweed meal, or, feed them old smashed up bananas. I would just start out by getting a nutrient that is a little higher in potassium, and go from there. They aren't dead, yet, but get this fixed quick!

Happy growing my friend :)


Well-Known Member
yeah you either have nute lockout or potassium deficiency it looks really bad. just a long shot but try adding a teaspoon of salt to your next watering and see if its an mg deficiency.