hey thanks rent glad to have you aboard. i look forward to following yours and i hope mine turn out the way i hope... havent seen much for results from single large watt cfl's just a bunch of little ones so itll be interesting to see for sure. cheersHey man, thanks for stopping by my thread. I remember looking at your setup when I was thinking about how to do mine. Im sure you prolly inspired meYou've got a really great setup. Ill be following yours!
Wouldn't hurt. You going to be doing some LST also ? Or super cropping ? or ...question... you guys think i should top my ladies?
i was planning on doing some LST and when you top ive heard those 2 top colas arent as big as if you were to have not topped. any input?Wouldn't hurt. You going to be doing some LST also ? Or super cropping ? or ...
thanks v. that would be totaly appreciated glas to see you back in here!Hey DW. Thanks for the pics, girls are looking really healthy.
To save you typing out the labels for the nutes, here's a link to all the GH nute labels:
I use a TDS meter to check how strong the nutes are but next time I mix some I'll make a note of how much I use and post it up for you and Shack.
welcome crazy thanks for joining the audience!this is greatness, ive got my chair pulled up.