How Much DMT?

Drug dealing is not a full time occupation. Right now I'm a full time student, and part time department store employee if you must know.

maybe 4 those who deal drugs cuz their greedy bastards. bu 4 sum1 with a real passion 4 producing these beautiful tools of the mind, it is a full time job. or sometimes seasonal...
maybe 4 those who deal drugs cuz their greedy bastards. bu 4 sum1 with a real passion 4 producing these beautiful tools of the mind, it is a full time job. or sometimes seasonal...

That's why it's not a full time job. I like to make things available. It works better as a full time job if you are a greedy bastard. I usually try to make small profits to keep product available. It feels good to make good quality available to the masses at a fair price. Though I have been considering selling for a large profit.
That's why it's not a full time job. I like to make things available. It works better as a full time job if you are a greedy bastard. I usually try to make small profits to keep product available. It feels good to make good quality available to the masses at a fair price. Though I have been considering selling for a large profit.

but theres no need. u can make enough by sellin it for a small profit.
but theres no need. u can make enough by sellin it for a small profit.

I prefer to have a job and contribute to society in more than one way. If it works for you to sell drugs professionally, then do it if it makes you happy. Just don't be 'that guy' who pushes bunk product. Don't deceive the young ones, guide them somewhat, but don't go too easy on them. Me, I'm gonna keep it on the side, if not just revert to being consumer-only. And also hopefully get a good job with my degree and start my own business that is unrelated to my drug business.
True...very true. Nature prob wont have much to work with if that much goes missing. Or maybe everything will just start producing a lot more of it. Caves of Deamster ewwwweeeeee!
I prefer to have a job and contribute to society in more than one way. If it works for you to sell drugs professionally, then do it if it makes you happy. Just don't be 'that guy' who pushes bunk product. Don't deceive the young ones, guide them somewhat, but don't go too easy on them. Me, I'm gonna keep it on the side, if not just revert to being consumer-only. And also hopefully get a good job with my degree and start my own business that is unrelated to my drug business.

i have such a passion 4 contributin 2 the amount of non hardcore drugs on the street i couldnt see myself doin much else. except cook. but ya im a part time student 2. im in the culinary management program....