PCP and LSD recipe


Active Member
god why would you want pcp ? Hell even lsd is a far stretch its madness your playing with grow some shrooms there natural like weed it wont make you go crazy and fuck your life up seriously name one good thing to come of doing such a thing?
dood LSD is not that bad. it opens ur mind. and allows u 2 explore unchartered regions of it.


Active Member
if you have to ask this then there is no need to post an answer. First and foremost, it is not a recipe, it is a synthesis (or syntheses if plural).

ergotamine + NaOH -> lysergic acid
DEET + NaOH -> diethylamine
lysergic acid + diethylamine + peptitde couple reagent -> LSD-25

or something of that nature.

as for pcp.. you're gonna have to look that one up, it can't be too difficult.
ya but here where im from we call it a recipe. cuz ur makin somethin.


Active Member
Most of my friends have better knowledge than to run around saying, "Hey, never tried it before, but I'm gonna make a run to WalMart or something, look at a website, and make some LSD."

But some people are more tolerant of those with small intelligence and big mouth.

Though, being a Republican, most of y'all view me as an idiot anyways. But Barack haters and Obama lovers alike can agree, this guy has a few things that need to be sorted out.
but seriously am i harming u by attemptin 2 make it?


Active Member
Well %85 of americans are christian so I'd say its a controlling share of both.
they claim 2 be christians. but todays bible has so many differences from the original scriptures. the original scriptures spoke of cannabis as a holy spice.


Active Member
Unless you're a university degree'd chemist, don't bother trying to make LSD. You would also need access to highly controlled chemicals. Procuring them will get the gov looking at you. Then you will likely get busted. Serious prison time. This ain't like getting caught with pot.

Just get a shroom kit. It's natural, organic, and you'll never know the difference. Order one online today, have the kit next week.

Anyone know anything about Peyote? I see you can buy a cactus online. Do you have to kill the plant to be tripping, or can you cut part of it off and let the rest grow?

ive grown shrooms already. i use a biodome though.


Active Member
"The synthesis of LSD is not a task to be undertaken lightly by the
novice wannabe drug chemist. It requires a level of skill roughly
double that needed to produce more conventional drugs such as
methamphetamine. A person contemplating this task should be well
trained prior to beginning the attempt, as learning while "on the job" is
likely to lead not only to failure, but also the probable poisoning of the​
said wannabe drug chemist." -Uncle Fester
this is a quote from his book Practical LSD Manufacture

and u should be very careful.... if you want to make LSD get a degree in chemistry and become a science professor....
not only will you then be able to understand the true complexity of this sythesis but you will also be able to aquire the right ingredients using your science class as a legal reason to purchase them
well ive successfully synthesized meth b4. so im gunna try LSD. why r u ppl so concearned with wat im syntheseizin?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
im not an expert. but i study the word everyday. one thing i kno is my religious beliefs.
I don't have a college degree in The Bible, but I do consider myself pretty well learned from a more radical Protestant church, which pretty well doesn't fit in to the LCMS stereotype.