I was down to mostly shake, and was just scooping my bowl into the bag to laod it. One night, laaate a night. I did this, and fired it up with my bic lighter.
"Man, the bowl must be clogged.." I thought as I chiefed as hard as I could. Clogged bowls and stems are no match for a good set of a young mans lazer lungs. So like the big bad wolf I huffed and puffed and watched the contens of the bowl glow a bright red.
"Still clogged. Perhaps I should push it with my thumb?" As we all know the glowing red embers are no match for the stoners calaced thumbs.
I pushed my thumb down into the bowl to smash what I thought were ashes. To my surprise there was no give when I applied my thumb to the presumed ash. Insted it was hard.. Solid.. ROCK solid.
After burning the piss out of my thumb I realised, that it was a small stone now pratically red hot. Once it cooled, I took it out and showed it to the guy I got the bag from. Never forget that one xD