Time for another update:
I got some more pictures today. This is from last night. These pictures are
22 days into flowering. Hard to imagine what they will look like in a month

but we shall find out!!
The buds have stopped their major stretching. They stretch about 40% of the budding cycle. They are fattening up now. Of course they will continue stretching a few inches a week til they are done.
This weekend I have to get in and tie them up as best I can. As you can tell, Im not going to be able to get into the room for much longer without them falling apart from dead weight.

I will put a stake in the middle to hold up the terminal but on each one and tie up the side buds as well as I can.
Most of my strains are 7-8 weeks. Lot of time to go.
I am giving them one tablespoon of H2O2 per day for added oxygen. The room is pretty cool for three lights, about 75 degrees with both exhaust fans running. As the weather gets colder I will just run the 465 cfm fan and when it gets winter cold Ill just run the 265 cfm.
The room where my reservoir is located is always about 55 degrees. My reservoir is at about 58 degrees now. Very cold water, the plants just love it. Colder the water, the more oxygen it holds, the more the root growth, the more massive the flowering. Had similar results last winter.
The room is about 55 degrees in dark period. The coolness doesnt seem to bother them at all.
About the Lucas Formula:
For the first 2 1/2 weeks, I would let the reservoir drop down to about 25 gallons before refilling it. The PPM was only drifting a little bit. From about 1250 ppm to about 1300 PPM over three days, very stable. Now I am topping off every day and just readjusting the PPM to 1300. They are using about 10 gallons a day. Really sucking down the water. They really love it when the solution is changed out. With every reservoir change, they do a growth spurt for a couple days, then settle back to normal growth. If I had all the time and money in the world I would change the reservoir twice a week.
Here are pictures I took last night.