Illinois DUI Examination


Active Member
OK im just wondering if anyone has any experience with this...i want to know if they are going to be drug testing me at the examination...i dont think they will since i wasn't charged with any drug usage or anything of the matter... HELP


Well-Known Member
I absolutely despise drunk drivers... hell, if I'm out late, I become a DUI hunter... no help from me here besides a few words, straighten up before you kill you or someone else.


Active Member
lol i rarely drink and i know what i did was wrong. But you don't know what happened or how i got the ticket, so keep your opinions to yourself


Well-Known Member
lol i rarely drink and i know what i did was wrong. But you don't know what happened or how i got the ticket, so keep your opinions to yourself

No thanks, I'll share them with whoever I please. And I don't need to know what happened or how you got the ticket, the fact is you were driving drunk.
DUI Laws are the biggest bunch of bullshit in the world. The whole thing is run by a bunch of BITCHES and is about nothing but money. MADD can kiss my ass, the laws are so unconstitutional it is not funny. To be charged when you havent committed a crime goes against our whole justice system. To charge someone under the premise of you may hurt someone is bullshit. DUI laws have done nothing to lower alcohol related deaths just fill the GOVERNMENT coffers with money. Law is the same bullshit as marijuana laws, "Not hurting anybody now but if you continue you may." What kind of bullshit is that.


Well-Known Member
I just went through a DUI man, I feel for ya. sometimes it is complete BS and I know. Just wanted to wish you good luck and of course never do it again, I invested in my own breathalyzer that I use from now on, only 40 bux on ebay and accurate :)
DUI laws are nothing about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. States love to get in your pocket and collect good old greenbacks right out of your pocket. Thats what the whole thing is about PERIOD. Get caught for one and you will soon see what it is all about. They will fine you to death.


Active Member
yeah well it's quite common in my area...but i agree with you to an extent. More and more DUI's happen every year, and unless you get something like three dui's you dont serve any jail time.I would say they aren't harsh enough to be honest when your drunk you begin to lost control of your motor functions. Which will be a bad end result when you try and drive in a motor vehicle. I'll agree with you in the money area as the way i got my dui is BULLSHIT. And the new laws they instated will fuck me over. OH and to you socatasmoker. I got my dui because i was passed out in the front seat out in my car and the keys were in the igntion i was outside of my friends house where i had been drinking . I HAD NOT DRIVEN ANYWHERE. NOR DID I HAVE THE INTENT TO DRIVE but the law states that since i had my keys in the ignition and i was sitting in the driver seat i had the INTENT to drive. To be honest i'll get off this with little or no penalties BUT this will always be on my record SO I SAY FUCK IT. Of course that doesn't bring back the 2000 plus dollars i spent on bail and a lawyer


Active Member
I just went through a DUI man, I feel for ya. sometimes it is complete BS and I know. Just wanted to wish you good luck and of course never do it again, I invested in my own breathalyzer that I use from now on, only 40 bux on ebay and accurate :)
LOL my parents still have a Breathalyzer when they first caught me drinking in my soft more year of high school

but i never really drink, i just smoke alot. it was Halloween so i had to do it big ha.


Well-Known Member
DUI laws are nothing about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. States love to get in your pocket and collect good old greenbacks right out of your pocket. Thats what the whole thing is about PERIOD. Get caught for one and you will soon see what it is all about. They will fine you to death.

You're ignorant about DUI laws, the reason the fines are so high is to heavily discourage anyone from doing it. I've seen enough drunk driver wrecks where I'm from to know there is no excuse to do it and if I see someone who's exhibiting signs of DUI, they're toast, I will trail them until I see the police pull them over and arrest them. You seem to think people should be punished only after they hurt/kill someone, sorry... you drive drunk, you put ME in danger, I have the right to put you in danger, of jail.


New Member
potka - What exactly are you asking?

If you get sucked into the local law enforcement/substance abuse treatment machine, then you will be taking lots of tests.
that reminds me of the people that used to call the cops on me ten years ago when i rolled my own cigarettes and would drive down the street smoking my'smokes'. on two separate occassions, cops pulled me over because it was 'reported' that i was seen driving while smoking weed. both times i was subjected to a humiliating search and sobriety test. in my opinion , the last thing we need is a bunch of mini self deputized law enforcers. that think they know whats going on.. as


Well-Known Member
that reminds me of the people that used to call the cops on me ten years ago when i rolled my own cigarettes and would drive down the street smoking my'smokes'. on two separate occassions, cops pulled me over because it was 'reported' that i was seen driving while smoking weed. both times i was subjected to a humiliating search and sobriety test. in my opinion , the last thing we need is a bunch of mini self deputized law enforcers. that think they know whats going on.. as
You're comparing apples to oranges... I see weaving, almost hitting other cars, throwing up dirt on the shoulders. Now, your story would be credible IF I saw someone drinking what looked to be a beer... but no, I see people driving erratically and or drunk, I call the police.

Also, I think people calling in potential DUIs is the BEST thing, law enforcement has extremely limited resources, meaning they can't be everywhere at every second and civilians like myself help tremendously getting them off the road and in jail, where they belong. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My whole idea on drunk driving is as such. If you are a bad driver sober you're going to be a really really really bad driver drunk (and kill somebody). If you're a great driver sober you're going to be a moderately bad driver drunk (not enough to kill someone, but still enough to be reckless).

In any case, IL has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country. First time offenders pay about a grand and have to get a box installed in their vehicle that makes them blow into it to start your engine (this is at your added cost on top of the 1,000 dollars). Yup this is what happens your first strike. Most states do this on your 2nd or 3rd DUI.

If you don't want the DUI on your criminal and driving record go get a lawyer. It will cost your roughly around 5-7 grand but a good lawyer will be able to get you to plea down your first time offense for a DUI (especially if you're in Cook county). I use to live in Chicago. Seriously spend the money and get the best lawyer you can get. DUI's in IL go down as a misdemeanor which is as bad as getting a felony conviction in terms of looking for a job. If this doesn't bother you then I hope you have good job security and won't need a new job in the next 5 yrs...

Also, I'm sure they're going to drug test you. It most likely won't be criminal (unless you are a felon on parole) having trace elements of drugs in you're system isn't a crime. Caring and producing the drugs is a crime. The results of this drug test WILL reflect poorly on your personal character in the eyes of some judges. If this drug use isn't related to your drunk driving though I doubt they could submit that as evidence to a judge, but one sly states attorney might try that. For this reason alone you should go get a lawyer. They typically can fight for what is submittal evidence.


You're ignorant about DUI laws, the reason the fines are so high is to heavily discourage anyone from doing it. I've seen enough drunk driver wrecks where I'm from to know there is no excuse to do it and if I see someone who's exhibiting signs of DUI, they're toast, I will trail them until I see the police pull them over and arrest them. You seem to think people should be punished only after they hurt/kill someone, sorry... you drive drunk, you put ME in danger, I have the right to put you in danger, of jail.
This is the kind of fear and propaganda that has put marijuana where it is today. I got pulled over in a random "safety check" (seatbelt check, dui check, etc.) I was 18 and just graduated high school, got a DUI arrest on my record. I blew .0136. This is like drinking a single beer and waiting an hour. ANY( above .0000) bac by someone under 21 counts as a DUI in my state. Basically, they knew I had been at a grad party and said I was acting drunk.
I was lucky because my parents are understanding and had the means to help. I would NEVER have been able to pay the ridiculous fines myself at that age, getting ready to go to college.

In any case, IL has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country. First time offenders pay about a grand and have to get a box installed in their vehicle that makes them blow into it to start your engine (this is at your added cost on top of the 1,000 dollars). Yup this is what happens your first strike. Most states do this on your 2nd or 3rd DUI.

If you don't want the DUI on your criminal and driving record go get a lawyer. It will cost your roughly around 5-7 grand but a good lawyer will be able to get you to plea down your first time offense for a DUI (especially if you're in Cook county). I use to live in Chicago. Seriously spend the money and get the best lawyer you can get. DUI's in IL go down as a misdemeanor which is as bad as getting a felony conviction in terms of looking for a job. If this doesn't bother you then I hope you have good job security and won't need a new job in the next 5 yrs...
I lived in chicago at the time of this, but was charges in a different county. All in all,
~4000 in fines
~5000 in lawyer fees
~300 impound
~200 court fees

Because I had a good lawyer, this is now expunged from my record. However, arrest records or a police blotter article could be found probably.


Yes drunk driving can be extremely dangerous, but not every person who is drunk drives badly. even 20 years ago people really only got DUIs if they deserved them. If this is what happened today, AND there were harsher penelties, I think we would have a happy medium.

Also, DUIs are a cash cow for counties and states. Here is some evidence.

In a corporation, salesmen are often rewarded for good sales by promotions. This is because they are bringing in more money to the company. The state, like a business,gets a lot of revenue through DUIs, in my case, $4000. Now, to promote this, they give extra funding to top DUI arresting towns. Which in turn, means higher police salaries. Officers with higher arrests get better bonuses.
Most lawyers will tell a teenager in trouble to have their parents obviously sit next to them in court. He tells the kid that the Judge will like the fact that the parents support their child. My lawyer told me the truth however. Judges like to see parents in conjunction with a lawyer becuase that means they will and can pay a high fine=more money. I have less fortunate friends. Instead of high fines, they got convicted and penalized more severely in the long run. One of my close friends is on 5 years mandatory probation with no chance of expungment of the conviction. He will have this on his record for life.

*in illinois, if you are underage and at a party with people drinking underage, you can get charged with underage drinking even if you havent had a sip.
*as of 2008, any person who gets any underage drinking ticket automatically loses their liscnece for at least 3 months. Often times 6 months

edit: not to mention i lost my liscence for a year, which in chicago suburbs with no public transportaion, means it is hard to work anywhere


Well-Known Member
No thanks, I'll share them with whoever I please. And I don't need to know what happened or how you got the ticket, the fact is you were driving drunk.
if you read carefully he was asking about DUI examinations (Driving Under the Influence) he didnt say he was drunk.


Well-Known Member
If I call someone in for drunk driving, they're not just "a little drunk", they're "all over the road, cannot stay in lane".

if you read carefully he was asking about DUI examinations (Driving Under the Influence) he didnt say he was drunk.

In my perspective he was already caught DUI, he's now having a court examination and is wondering if they're going to drug test him during that. The OP can clarify as to whether this is pre or post DUI.