DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice ideas, man... +rep (Lifted1).

Good to hear i'm not the only one that has seen perlite stay too wet. I think i'll be alright now that i only water 3x per week in the ebb 'n flow, we'll see.

Those no weed DIY fabric pots are a good idea. I once grew in ceramic pots with soil. The ceramic dries things out quickly but there is much better air to the root zone. The plants love the air - so i can imagine your no-weed fabric pots working very nicely indeed.

Maybe next grow i'll try something a bit different... i just try to tweek one or two variables at a time.

Far as perlite goes, you might try the closest bulk feed store for like ranches and farms and such. Nurseries might also be able to help. Really though, if ur paying 22 bucks for 4 cu. ft. that's not -too- bad. i actually pay like 16.85 with tax included, so i'm not complaining ;-) I almost gave up on finding it though after checking here there and everywhere. good luck.


Well-Known Member
DeGambler I would Highly suggest getting your hands on some CASEY JONES I have seen three grows this week that have pulled 3 to 4 lbs per 1000 watt and the finished product is real real good covered in trics great bag appeal and real good smoke...I know a few cash croppers switching over to CASEY,Blue Dream will also do you real good I really think your genitics can put you where you want to be... PM me if you need me to grab the steering wheel ...JACK


Well-Known Member
Man, I wouldn't wish the last couple days (or the next couple) on my worst enemy.

Had to completely Tear Down the Op. One day to clean house - and one more day to completely remove any sign of marijunana growth. Had a house inspection. One time thing, won't happen again during this grow. Check out the most recent Video in my signature if you want to see what i was up against !!

Now to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The biggest loss was the Mylar. Can't be re-used and it took hours to put it up the first time around. Boooooo. Hisssss. :!: . :finger: . ;-)

(EDIT: I'll look into that Casey Jones, Jack. Hopefully it would be available in seed form - as clones aren't really an option.)


Well-Known Member
Wow. So did you have to move all the green to another location? Fkn stinkwagon rolling down the street if you did!

The city is putting in new infrastructure on my block starting next May. New sewage, water, gas, street and sidewalks. New water service to my house. I am planning my next few months so that I'll be in a low activity clone mode by the time they have to come into my basement. I made a written checklist for emergency evacuation of the op. I want to be disrupted by that as little as possible.

What kind of 'home inspection' took place? A municipality? A landlord? Anyway, congrats on weathering that storm.:-P


Well-Known Member
Just had to toss the 48 mums out into a storage shed. Killed the clones - no real loss there. It was an appraisal so i can get into a mortgage on the place. Done deal. The mums will come back inside shortly. Do a quick reset on the gulleys, the fans, and the lights ... the rest of the crap will get done as it gets done. :leaf:

Check lists are always good. I try to be 'unspecific' when writing things on paper. :-P


Well-Known Member
Man, I wouldn't wish the last couple days (or the next couple) on my worst enemy.

Had to completely Tear Down the Op. One day to clean house - and one more day to completely remove any sign of marijunana growth. Had a house inspection. One time thing, won't happen again during this grow. Check out the most recent Video in my signature if you want to see what i was up against !!

Now to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The biggest loss was the Mylar. Can't be re-used and it took hours to put it up the first time around. Boooooo. Hisssss. :!: . :finger: . ;-)

They are like...ok we will be by in 2 days to look at your place.....gulp....umm ok...Aww man I feel for you.What a chore that must have been.Well now at least everything is cleaner and you can dial in your op setup even better!!
Keep it green


Well-Known Member
Man...that whole deal sounds fuct...how much notice did you have? Im sure it will come back together cleaner and better then before.


Well-Known Member
yer... she was like "I'll be there 2 days from now". i was like, uh, no you won't.

but it's coming back together. get the gulleys back going this weekend. right now its just the plants under fans and lights, no hydro. the walls will take a good deal longer. i may go with panda film this time... i don't like how mylar never seems to hang straight for long. can't keep that stuff taut for the life of me. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yer... she was like "I'll be there 2 days from now". i was like, uh, no you won't.

but it's coming back together. get the gulleys back going this weekend. right now its just the plants under fans and lights, no hydro. the walls will take a good deal longer. i may go with panda film this time... i don't like how mylar never seems to hang straight for long. can't keep that stuff taut for the life of me. :leaf:

Im gonna order panda next time I reset...I don't think its as reflective but I think it seams to reflect alot of light and looks cleaner.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna order panda next time I reset...I don't think its as reflective but I think it seams to reflect alot of light and looks cleaner.
Having used both I would never use Mylar again. Panda might not be as reflective but in my experience it distributes more evenly. Also it is way easier to work with and it doesn't make that annoying crinkling sound all the time. Plus you can reuse it!!


Well-Known Member
I feel you on the take down bro back In the day I grew in a rented house I had to remove everything more then once...it more than just a pain in the ass its very stressful the whole time you are thinking what they might smell or find....it just sucks no more growing in rented houses for me

PS Panda film is way better than mylar...easier to put up and I think its more reflective unless you stretch , glue and use a roller to apply the mylar


Well-Known Member
I feel you on the take down bro ... its more than just a pain in the ass its very stressful ...

heheh. ya, no doubt. i made no alterations to the underside of the house (300 gal. rez, water pumps, tubing, air pumps, timers, etc.) - just crossed my fingers that no one would be crawling down there.

i had "5 hours of sleep" that night and they were 100% filled with nightmares. ah well, its over with now. and this home is now my castle - no one ever has the right to enter again. :cuss: :bigjoint: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Alrighty... the big boys seem to be too busy with their toys to keep up on their journals lately, so i'll try to keep you moderately entertained with my little-bitty grow-op.

This is when i had to de-construct the hydro setup for an emergency tear-down and housing inspection.

Putting Humpty Dumpty back together again with the dual pond liners.

Plants had been trasnplanted into the flower room for about 1 1/2 weeks at this point.

The Mr. Nice (front left) still hadn't taken off in the 3 gal. transplant buckets.

Mr. Nice (today) at 2 weeks into flowering from the flip to 12/12 in the foreground and White Russian in the back two-thirds of the pic. Mr. Nice now growing nicely.

The other gulley - pure Durban Poison. A champ even under less than ideal conditions.

Both gulleys - under 6k HPS. Finally switched the guts on the latest problematic ballast ... no more Metal Halide spare being used.

The current clone crop; 24 White Russian and 24 Durban Poison. I got sick of manicuring the Mr. Nice and said to hell with it. Maybe i'll start some hybrid seeds soon. Ur looking at almost all of the clones here ... a far cry from when i was running over 250 clones ... check the below VIDEO if you don't remember what that was like... Never used domes this time. They are 2 weeks in and will likely start to grow actively any day here.


:peace: - DaGambler


Well-Known Member
Hey G,
Looking really sweet and clean unlike mine! Just started my own clones from my plants and I have a Question. I was wondering if you feel it would be better to clone without the domes? Sorry to ask and not look at the video. I am a computer Programmer and because of the environments I need to work with, Flash players don't work on my machines.


Well-Known Member
Hey G,
Looking really sweet and clean unlike mine! Just started my own clones from my plants and I have a Question. I was wondering if you feel it would be better to clone without the domes? Sorry to ask and not look at the video. I am a computer Programmer and because of the environments I need to work with, Flash players don't work on my machines.
my cloning experience is somewhat limited so i can only tell you that you -can- go without domes when cloning in pure perlite in a once a day ebb 'n flow setup you. just keep area temps between 65 and 85 (preferably 78 degrees) and humidity above 50 percent (preferably 60 or greater). You'd probably be alright going dome-less in an aerocloner as well. When you first take cuttings you can expect that all of them will lay down a few hours later. By the next day all of them should have perked back up again to the light. As long as you don't bruise or overly damage the cutting's stem - it will still be able to do this with a moist media around it. Also, make sure to bury the clones up to their first set of leaves.

I wouldn't necessarily go without a dome(s) in any other media or with any other watering technique. Domes allow you to 'baby' the plants a bit more and might actually lead to a rooting time that is at least a couple of days faster. The greatest danger with domes is not have some air turnover leading to mold or increasing air flow too quickly when transitioning to dome-less-ness. Just crack the lids at first and then take them half off over a couple day period rather than just yanking it off.

Happy Cloning bongsmilie Until you are sure of your technique, hell, take twice as many as you need :D When you have 100% success then you can worry about taking exactly what you want.