Seed Banks?


Sorry i'm sure this has been asked multiple times but the search feat on the forums never works for me :(

I hear good things about big bud ak and sour diesel...

I will be starting a new grow in about a month and was just curious what strains you guys recommend. is there a seed back other than nirvana that you guys have used that delivers to us?



Well-Known Member
I have 21 plants in flower right now, all from Nirvana, and all of them were females. Very good success rate if you ask me


awesome guys thanks for the input...

I have a totally off topic questions.

My current plants are 3 days into flower and i *finally* bought a humidity monitor that records max and min temps and humidity.

I checked it today after one cycle of 12/12 and i got for temps 70 min 81 max and the humidity 43min and 97max!!....Do you guys think that the humidity is going to cause a problem? Is the higher humidity during lights on or off?


yes the humidity will cause mold you must get that under control with a dehumidifier.

hmm i might just be screwed then...currently growing in a cabinet conversion and i'm out of space...would running my fans constantly instead of having them turn off when the lights go off help?


Well-Known Member
hmm i might just be screwed then...currently growing in a cabinet conversion and i'm out of space...would running my fans constantly instead of having them turn off when the lights go off help?
ATTITUDE is making dreams come true all over the world

Cpl Hicks



You should always run the fans i dont know if it will cut down on humidity(trial and error). Why cant you get a dehumidifyer and put it in the same room as the cab?
i will run the fans through lights out and see if it helps

I guess i could do that but i'm not sure it would help...the first night i got that meter it was lights off so i wasn't able to put it in there....the next morning i checked the min/max that it had recorded and it stayed between 45 and 55 so i'm thinking its just the humidity in the box that changes. its a small cabinet1x3x3 grow area; with only 3 plants at the you think it could really change the humidity outside the box?

Do you think that the humidity would be higher during lights on or lights off?


i will run the fans through lights out and see if it helps

I guess i could do that but i'm not sure it would help...the first night i got that meter it was lights off so i wasn't able to put it in there....the next morning i checked the min/max that it had recorded and it stayed between 45 and 55 so i'm thinking its just the humidity in the box that changes. its a small cabinet1x3x3 grow area; with only 3 plants at the you think it could really change the humidity outside the box?

Do you think that the humidity would be higher during lights on or lights off?
So i let the fans run all day and the humidity didn't get above 70% which is still high for flowering but hopefully i won't get any mold


Use this Green man's Seedbank Update
Also I just used and they send to the states. Took 2 weeks to send them a order and to get the reply. Nondescript safe package with everything I ordered. :bigjoint:
i have been using for the past year and they ship to the states from netherlands takes under two weeks and it comes descretely shipped they have all top strains and tons of info on them even answer any ? if you ask.