Wo wo wo wait a second... Are the people on this board truely this poorly educated? We dont take CCC's to trip on DXM.. 25 CCC'S? Your fucking lucky you didnt overdose on Acetomenophin and destroy your liver. .. Seriously dude do alittle research.. not to be a nagging ninny but they stuff is REALLY bad to take in excess. You can get the same effects minus the shitty feeling/ death risk from the SUPER dose of cold meds from things like * Robotussin cough gels* These are the exact same thing as CCC's without the freeking cold fighting ingredients that can kill you... If your set on taking the pills take Robo Cough gels. If you like to take the liquid ONLY take LIQUID WITH DXM AS THE ONLY INGREDIENT.. Things like Robotussin max strength will work fine. Anything that has ANY active ingredient becides DXM can be severly detremental to your health. There is a formula called Robotussin DM which also contains guafiaseen (sp) as a second ingredient. This wont hurt your health but it can make you throw up the robo killing the trip. Please take my advice , tell your friends and anyone you know useing DXM to trip ( yes i know its a powerful , great drug) that they need to be safe and take my advice. ONLY USE MEDS WITH DXM AS THE SOLE INGREDIENT OR RISK DEATH