just topped one!!

im going out now but if i catch you posting some bullshit in this thread later ill keep hating it. your bloody topping job is straight up out of a horror movie. ive never seen somebody so adimate about defending a problem. telling me my grow sucks when your grow is that out of proportion. your insults are empty rederick for the sake of arguing at this point :spew:
ill keep hating

How can i say a grow sucks WHEN U HAVE SHOWED ABOSOLUTLY NOTHING? how can u say a top is bad when you know nothing about it? are u fuking serious? u said wen u cut the top nothing comes out.u cant even post a link so im glad u admitted what you are.........HATER.so now thats behind us ill step out AGIN.
How can i say a grow sucks WHEN U HAVE SHOWED ABOSOLUTLY NOTHING? how can u say a top is bad when you know nothing about it? are u fuking serious? u said wen u cut the top nothing comes out.u cant even post a link so im glad u admitted what you are.........HATER.so now thats behind us ill step out AGIN.

how many times do i have to say i dont have a fancy camera. i need to develop a disposable and get a disk to put shit on the computer which isnt a good practice anyway idiot. your lucky im a dinafan and have some others on that thread so youll see it later. thats it, crabass. i never said topping is bad. i top all mine and have never seen blood you fucking moron. you just make up your own reality and try to force it on me. i think you suck and your grow could be way better. you are the nerd trying to dis me for not posting links you fuckin techy. Im the biggest hater go fuck with ludacris because you are both schwags:leaf:
how many times do i have to say i dont have a fancy camera. i need to develop a disposable and get a disk to put shit on the computer which isnt a good practice anyway idiot. your lucky im a dinafan and have some others on that thread so youll see it later. thats it, crabass. i never said topping is bad. i top all mine and have never seen blood you fucking moron. you just make up your own reality and try to force it on me. i think you suck and your grow could be way better. you are the nerd trying to dis me for not posting links you fuckin techy. Im the biggest hater go fuck with ludacris because you are both schwags:leaf:
OOHH YA ur 3000$ grow will get u a badass Kodak dawg PPPSSSHHHHHH dude ur a moron.make up my own reality? have you noticed noone here likes you or has agreed with you at all.i will never belive u have topped a plant in your life.i doubt u have ever grown a plant.posting a link is common knowledge
whatever queer. i said 7000 and im not gonna buy a camera when i get it either. the only 2 people on this thread is you and luda. you had 1 guy come in and say some shit. i had one guy who is probably right about the rusty scissors. a little fox farm, some phing, and a mh/hps. you do not need to be a genius to grow some pot- youve proved it
no i aint the only one on this thread and i posted the facts about this bleeding plant shit.
but fight away boys.

and my last post on here was page 10 ????????.

smokeskin wat the hell are u on mate??
rusty scissors lol haha..
the pics are there infront ov ur own eyes..
red sap mate
looks like blood.. ur going to have to accept it 1 day pal.
check out my pics on "post your dinafem pics here" in a few days if you want. showing off personal details in open forum is not a common practice of mine because im not really camera/computer equipt, doesnt mean anything about my grows smart guy with your bloody plants. your probably saying that because your from scottland like ludacris. you sheepfuckers over there are punks.

so when you harvest and you cut/peel your plants do you end up all covered in bloody sap? inside of my stems are white cambium you schwag

is that right idiot.
im sorry luda i dont really mean it. but every one so far on this thread is the scottland crowd and look at this shit i have to deal with. it was just said out of frustration:wall:
but do you get all bloody when you harvest?
you keep saying i dont know about growing dude i could make 7 grand in 3 months and im a small timer. look in to topping and training for branchy growing plants it may help you even out your canopy and straighten out this whole bleeding plant problem that you are so sure you have

7 grand in 3 months :lol:.
for what talking shit ??????.
(what an idiot you make yourself out to be).
you dont know how to grow a beard let alone a plant :lol:.
and stop talking about me as you dont qualify or have a brain cell to do so.

what i think of you

seriously do you get all bloody when you harvest? your trees are so big i bet you need a saw. does it spray blood everywhere when your taring it up come harvest?
Qualified! ha:sleep: yes qualified to talk shit and make 7 grand every 3 months. you bet! called the good life
im sorry luda i dont really mean it. but every one so far on this thread is the scottland crowd and look at this shit i have to deal with. it was just said out of frustration:wall:
but do you get all bloody when you harvest?

i have already posted the fucking facts but i will again just listen to what people are telling you and dont start fighting with them as you will get you nowhere.
i have nothing against you but give a little respect to your elders and there advice and dont mention my name in that manner.

Probably the easiest way to deal with uneven growth is to cut back the taller plants to the average height. You may find this emotionally difficult, but pruning will not harm the plant. Cutting off the growing shoot forces the plant to develop its branches. Some growers cut back all of their plants when they are three to four weeks old. Any horizontal space is quickly filled with growing branches and the plants grow full and robust.
The growing shoots are the most potent plant parts until the flowers appear. Generally, the potency increases with growth. By three months' age, most shoots will be high-quality smoke. You can cut shoots at any time; just don't overdo it. Give the plant a chance to grow and fill out to a good size. Severe pruning will slow growth. New growth may be distorted and abnormal, with a drop in potency.
Each time you cat a growing shoot, whether it is the stem tip or a branch tip, two shoots being to grow from the nearest leaf axils. However, don't think that cutting all the growing shoots of a plant twenty times over the course of a season will yield a plant bearing over a million new shoots, or even that the plants will double their size if pruned. Pruning simply allows the plant to develop its branches earlier. The branches present more area to gather light and, hance, can grow to fill a larger space. However, the plant's size is basically determined by the seed's potential within the limitations of the environment.
Cutting the growing shoots or removing some leaves does not harm the plants. Plants are well adapted to the loss of parts to predators, wind, etc., in the natural world. When leaves are damaged or lost, the plant plugs the wound. The leaf isn't replaced or repaired, but new leaves are continually being formed from the growing shoots. The stem, since it connects all parts of the plant, is more important to the plant as a whole. When the stem breaks or creases, it is capable of repair. You can help the plant repair its stem by splinting the wound or somehow propping the stem up straight. Stems take about four or five days to heal.
When you cut the stem or leaves, you may see the plant's sap momentarily spurt before the wound is plugged. The sap contains primarily the products of photosynthesis, in the form of sucrose (table sugar). Smaller amounts of materials associated with the living organism such as minerals, amino acids, and enzymes are also present. In marijuana, the sap is usually colourless, although a bright red colour - it looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life. The red colour is due to haematin compounds and anthocyanin pigments that naturally build up in some varieties. The red colour may also indicate a nutrient deficiency, notably of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or magnesium.

i said a DROP of sap comes out the top.how the fuk are u saying they get bloody your soo pathetic you try to twist what im saying
], the sap is usually colourless, although a bright red colour - it looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life.[/COLOR]colour is due to haematin compounds and anthocyanin pigments that naturally build up in some varieties. The red colour may also indicate a nutrient deficiency, notably of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or magnesium. [/I][/B][/COLOR]

it says not uncommon later in life. benson is early on. also you should not have a nute problem-if thats the case
what i think of you

seriously do you get all bloody when you harvest? your trees are so big i bet you need a saw. does it spray blood everywhere when your taring it up come harvest?
Qualified! ha:sleep: yes qualified to talk shit and make 7 grand every 3 months. you bet! called the good life[/QUOTE]

the plants dont drip blood you idiot when you cut them the red sap comes to the top of the stem an forms a clot to protect the plant.
there are no blood drops its a fucking blood clot.
are you completely lost in space or what.
you aint got a clue and the longer you keep this up the more people you will have laughing at you.
right now i am totally shocked at your lack of knowledge and attitute towards others trying to argue a point thats factual and proven.
