Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow


Well-Known Member
Alright... So. Moving on to phase two. I'm not giving up on the BP system you guys. I have two non fem ww in there now. Putting two fem trainwreck and two fem Northern lights in with them.
So I guess we'll settle on a 3 Strain Grow in the BP but 4 Overall with the Rhino. soooo.... Cut me some slack

notice one of the greenhouse seeds - the trainwreck sunk right when it went into the water..... ::shakes head::



Well-Known Member
see I've always noticed the opposite...
I read it here on RIU, but we all know not to totally trust the written word here :lol:

I found this:

Typically, bad seeds sink and good ones float, but there are exceptions, so don’t eliminate any seed right away.

I'm learning!


Well-Known Member
Jonny ~ I forgot to ask if any heat comes from those T-5's? And how close above the plants can it be, ie 2", 3", etc?



Well-Known Member
I think the 6500k spectrum keeps the heat down a bit. 2300 being warmer.
mines about 2 inches from the top of my white rhino and about 4 over the sprouts in the BP system


Well-Known Member
YOYOYO! JONN! Whats up! Sorry I haveint been by in a while! Nice setup you got going! So your germing the new seeds : ) I cant wait!

I havint looked back yet to see if you posted pics of your WR yet but im going to, Hows she doing?



Well-Known Member
Doin good Dac, very squat plant. But growing very healthy nontheless. Funny I called it. The one seed that sunk is the only one that didn't pop. Hopefully it will over the course of the day.


Well-Known Member
Well I did a res change today on both the bubbleponic system and the waterfarm. I went to full dose nutes and supplements on the white rhino in the waterfarm. That flourescent t-5 setup is sooo nice. I can just lift one side up and the plants on the left are still getting nice close light and I still have plenty of room to do what i need to do. The waterfarm is nice and easy to change. i just unplug the airline that runs the dripper, let it drain for a min. Then lift it right out andput it into a bucket that's pHed to 5.8 with ther recommended dose of clearex. Then I plug back in the airline and it drips the clearex through the hydroton while I'm cleaning everything out.
Then I clean out the res with soap and water, rinse it well, fill it back up, mix in the full strength soup. pH it and I'm good to go. undo the line, pull the bucket put it back in the res and Voila! easy as pie...

speaking of pie...

Anyways here some pics.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Nice, starting out the new week fresh, the plants will enjoy that i am sure!!

How tall was that one plant in flowering when you put her in ??

Whats your humidity and temp range from lights on to lights off ??