How many commercial farmers would emerge? Or better yet how many people here would give up there 40 hr work week to strictly grow and much less do you think the value of your crop would be
I think if the government had control over its growth I wouldn't like it
On the other hand if AB390 passes here you will see my bud in liquor stores all across CA!!! I PROMISE.
AB390 taxesI find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have their dick in it if it was legal.
If it were 100% legal in the U.S., within a short period of time you'd see massive grow operations. Why would a farmer grow corn, beans, etc etc when the profit margin of MJ or even hemp is MUCH higher?
It's all supply and demand. There will always be people who would rather just buy it than grow it. When you can grow it, and grow it easily, the demand for farmers will drop and so will the price obviously.
I personally think the greatest benefit would be for the smokers who do buy it would see prices drop dramatically. Lower prices is not a good sign for the dealers though.
I do see the potential for problems between cotton farmers and those wishing to grow hemp. Hemp also gives the forestry business a worry. Not to mention hemp farming is easier than alot of other types of farming.
I'd put money on it that some farming and forestry lobbyist have their hands in politicians pockets feeding them $$ to keep hemp illegal. Why legalize something that could take away your job and way of life?
Prison builders and DEA agents want to keep it illegal so they can keep their jobs as well. DEA guys are gunna be pissed when they have to start kicking in meth heads doors and going to war with them rather than knocking on the potheads door and threatening to take away his Twinkie stash.
True, along with a lot of other states who are in a lot worse shape than CaliforniaAB390 taxesand it's a good thing too, because California can definitely use the money!
and likie with all business, someone with a lot of money will also figure "hey, profit margins!" and open up a weed growing complex, hire on a thousand employees, grow in insurmountable bulk and undercut all other competition, just as you can see with everything, be it beer, etc etcIf it were 100% legal in the U.S., within a short period of time you'd see massive grow operations. Why would a farmer grow corn, beans, etc etc when the profit margin of MJ or even hemp is MUCH higher?
"just as you can see with everything, be it beer, etc etc "and likie with all business, someone with a lot of money will also figure "hey, profit margins!" and open up a weed growing complex, hire on a thousand employees, grow in insurmountable bulk and undercut all other competition, just as you can see with everything, be it beer, etc etc