Creating seeds from all females?


Well-Known Member
So if one started out with female clones, turned them into mothers and is now cloning them for further plants.

What if one wanted to get seeds?

Is it possible to turn a clone hermy by stressing it then let it pollinate another female clone, in the end producing seed? And if so will the seed be viable?

Reason be is one dosent have great access to seed atm and wants to try and create his own from herminating(is that even a word?) clones.

Yes jonro, you are correct. I've read that you can hermie a female plant through light or temperture stress, or ive even read of a hormone spray. Another technique I've read about is to flower a female an extra 2 weeks after they are already done and most strains will start to produce male flowers!
So if one started out with female clones, turned them into mothers and is now cloning them for further plants.

What if one wanted to get seeds?

Is it possible to turn a clone hermy by stressing it then let it pollinate another female clone, in the end producing seed? And if so will the seed be viable?

Reason be is one dosent have great access to seed atm and wants to try and create his own from herminating(is that even a word?) clones.


Essentially what you're describing is the process used by breeders to create feminized seeds. Though the more reputable ones will take time and find the strongest females with the least tendency to show staminate growth from stress. They will then use Colloidal silver (or gibbrallic acid) to chemically induce (stress) hermaphrodism.
Be sure if you do this that you polinate a seperate plant, dont self polinate the stressed hermie or you'll have increased chances of hermies coming from the seeds.

Also, I've never done it myself, so you'll wanna do more research before you jump in head first.

good luck.
All breeders use STS now, it chemically reverses the sex(silver thiosolate solution)I dont trust light strees when makeing fems.Soma made some fem beans out of nute stressed females and his seeds had a shit load of morphs.He replaced the beans when he realized what happened.........peace
like zues said you can use gibrallic acid to force a hermie but you have to collect the pollen dont just hope for it to pollenate and it would increase risk of hemri's in your batch o seedleberries but hey their free fem seeds and the more you do it the better you get. never know could end up sellin a new strain to a breeder
Cheers for all the advice.

Gibbrallic acid, Colloidal silver or light stress which is the easiest to come across/use? I only plan on taking 2 small clones and flowing them in there own little spot, keeping them small as i dont care for the bud(yes i just sinned). I know Colloidal silver can be made quite easily(or can it just be bought?) but what about gibbrallic acid? And what would be the best way to light stress?
