DXM Trippin

then whats the difference from the green ones and the white ones because 2 green ones fuck me up wayyyy more than 2 white ones do :wall:

No need to dread the zanza... white one, black ones, opague ones...

sum in up by saying: no matter what color it still fucks me up.

alliteration is amplified here ;)
Xanax tripping, now when i thought I heard all stories ;)

Yes. [deteriorate into anecdote] I stopped by some rednecks who yelled at me when I rode my bicycle by. They said "Hey man what you doin'? Do some tricks!" So I came back around and said to them I can't do any tricks. They asked me to endo it or do a wheelie. So I did a pretty decent wheelie on my bike. I felt way too goofy, then I brought the front down at an angle and endo'd that bitch. So they yelled at me, I got a shot for ya. There I ran into the brother of a guy I knew who decided the acid I sold him was bunk, but that's a different story.

Anyways, these rednecks had all of the Jerry Springer problems... You know 5 year olds running around the place who don't know who their real daddy is, everyone has been arrested 12 times, etc. So I started getting drunk with these guys, and a dude leans over to me and asks if I know about Xanax. So I tried to hide my excitement as I said, yeah, I have some experience... He says yeah, I don't have a problem with eating 4 bars, I trip balls and get so raged out that I beat someone's ass and then I suddenly snapped out of it. I told him that I doubt he had a chance in the world to go bar for bar with me, but neither of us could afford it at the time, so we just went shot for shot. I rode my bicycle through downtown back to the dorms piss drunk. God it was horrible to balance, and worse when I stopped at every fucking crosswalk that had a don't walk sign glowing, but laughing my ass off at the self-proclaimed Xanax expert.