Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow


Well-Known Member
let most go a half hour before lights turned back on since that's what it said do to on the back. and it also had on the package that you can really let them go any time indoors as long as the temp stays 60+. they'll stop flying around when the lights are off but they'll keep feeding. the lady bugs also feed on the eggs and the larvae so it should be mite free hopefully by tonight or tomorrow :bigjoint:
Little trick i picked up awhile go is spray the ladies with 7up. They can't fly so they spend more time eating the bad guys :)


Well-Known Member
exactly :mrgreen:

I let most go a half hour before lights turned back on since that's what it said do to on the back. and it also had on the package that you can really let them go any time indoors as long as the temp stays 60+. they'll stop flying around when the lights are off but they'll keep feeding. the lady bugs also feed on the eggs and the larvae so it should be mite free hopefully by tonight or tomorrow :bigjoint:

its actually for an argumentation class that i thought was learning about how to argue and solve issues etc then i show up and its a fukn debate class lol thats all it is. tricky bitches. but ya its useful shit i guess. i could go on for daaaays about this prohibition shit i ran circles on the oppsoing team.
but def

The Union; the business behind getting high

is the best fukn documentary ive seen and everyone should see it i made my parents and my gfs parents watch it haha i feel like im preachin for it. its not just stoner shit either its good info. thats all it is bro; people sharing knowledge gives power to the people. one day everyone will see it should be the cigarrettes and alcohol companies illegal and pills and shit not weed. ive done it all and id say hands down bud is god made all natural mother earth. the rest of this shit is fukn chemically induced factory manufactured patented and designed to keep u comin bak. anyways enough ramblin for the nite. lol


Well-Known Member
if u leave the lady bugs in the room with no food (mites) ya theyll die or go sumwhere else if they can get out. u can reuse em by suckin em up with a vaccuum and put them in the freezer til later.


Well-Known Member
so I decided to just toss the 4 I had in bloom to help deal with the mite issue. the ladybugs are still working in my flower room and I'm still dealing with mites in my veg space too, so hopefully get those under wraps soon so I can transplant all my clones and start flowering them, and then onto my next run that I'm planning to go hydro with. I'm thinking I'll make one or two storage tubs for DWC and then I can scrog them. was thinking I'd use these new blocks instead of rockwool and hydroton- http://www.suretogrow.com/hydroponic-supply-tempest


Well-Known Member
sup everyone. so I know the first part of the journal took a little detour with the mites and all :-( but today I vaccummed, bombed, and then disinfected my bloom room. I think my clones are mite free at this point but I'm not going to risk it so I'm going to release the left over lady bugs I have once my room airs out and then put my plants in. I transplanted 12 of 17 clones and plan on transplanting 4 more I think but I ran out of FFOF and FFLW soil that I was doing half and half of in each container. I plan on vegging them for another week or so I think under my hps before I flip them to 12/12. maybe 2 weeks. I'll post pictures later once I get the plants all situated bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
here's a shot of what it looks like in my room right now. it's on 18/6 for another week or two then flipping to 12/12.

still have some room to add another 4 plants so I need to get a little more Ocean Forest but I'm still not sure. might just go with the 12 I have in there. let me know what you guys think :peace:




Well-Known Member
stick with the 12 veg for 2 weeks, get rid of the lowest growth now ;)
2 weeks is what I was thinking. they still need a little time to develop the branches from the fimming I did. haha I've been such an ocd sterile nazi with my room since I put those new girls in there. I'm going to be a little more than upset if this run gets all mited up like the last... :evil: so, I'm gonna do everything to make sure that isnt gonna happen. lots of smoke to the mj gods too to really make sure :bigjoint: bongsmilie :joint: :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lookin good b
thanks man :bigjoint: feels good to be back in action. I was getting a little irritated and frankly fed up with the mites but I think I got it under control now. it was sad to chop up the plants I had before since the buds were still developing so nicely but this next run should yield much better. stoked :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
here's a couple pictures to keep things interesting :eyesmoke:

another 2 weeks of veg

and I need to count how many I have of each clone because I wasnt paying any attention when I transplanted into the 1.5 gal containers bongsmilie strains are super silver haze and "super" gdp if ya didnt know ;-)



Well-Known Member
I like the pots you have..... and your set up as well...... :)
thank you sir, I like it too :bigjoint:

I'll snap a few pictures later of the new growth. all mite free :hump: I let the rest of the lady bugs go to clean up any asshole mites left which I doubt there is cuz I neemed the shit out of them like you suggested Loaded. here's to you for helping me through my mite ordeal :joint: ;-)


Well-Known Member
here's a couple pictures to keep things interesting :eyesmoke:

another 2 weeks of veg

and I need to count how many I have of each clone because I wasnt paying any attention when I transplanted into the 1.5 gal containers bongsmilie strains are super silver haze and "super" gdp if ya didnt know ;-)

looks great b. a sidenote tho; idk if u did it for the pic or wat but u could put the containers all next to each other instead of spread out for now til they flower. mayvbe a slight diff in lumens? but ull of course spread em out when they flower. unless theyre sittin in saucers and i cant see lol


Well-Known Member
looks great b. a sidenote tho; idk if u did it for the pic or wat but u could put the containers all next to each other instead of spread out for now til they flower. mayvbe a slight diff in lumens? but ull of course spread em out when they flower. unless theyre sittin in saucers and i cant see lol
thanks man. the main reason for their separation was to deal with the remaining mites. I didn't want any of the leaves touching so they couldnt go from one plant to another with ease ya know?

I did some lower growth trimming last night, and still noticed there was a small amount of mites still lurking on some of the plants so I'm going to take them all out either today or tomorrow to bomb and clean my room again, and then neem the plants some more to clean up the assholes that are still left. can't believe there's still some left after having the lady bugs in there for a week now.

I wonder if it'd be ok to bomb the room with the Doktor Doom Pyrethine spray to knock out all the mites, but I think that might hurt the girls with the air just being so filled up Pyrethine. lol mites are just so gay :wall: bongsmilie