Nute off!! Advanced nutrrient's vs cutting edge vs fox farm.


Well-Known Member
The MK's are under a 400 watt. I would usually have them under flouros for the first couple weak's. Because of the pot's being to big they would not dry out under the flouros.
The Erkle's are all under flouros.
The DWC is also under the 400 watt with the AN nute's..
Here is some pic's of it.
I am not too happy with how the AN stain the root's.
But the growth is great.
Ph 6.01 PPM 860. temp 60.



Active Member
I have actually heard some good post about The humboldt master A& b.
Due to room restraint's I can only test these as of now.
I think I will test the winner of this run against The humboldt.
And another not sure which yet. Suggestions welcome.

That is one hell of a challenge. No one will take hin up on it.
The growrsunderground is full of great info.
I think A\N will wim in yeild.
But I will be judging based on and in this order. As of now atleast.
1. Potency
2. flavor
3. yeild
4. Ease of use.
I would of really liked to see the BMO line up against these big time companies. I just got done reading the thread up to this point looks like I got here just in time to watch it. :-) very happy I made it to this one.

oh yeah..... I have been considering it for quite a while.... have seen the results (and experienced them too) first hand..... exactly why I was considering the switch..... I will look into it some more and then do a test run for comparison of side by side results (just BMO compared to FF TB..... everything else stays the same ;) )
So this is when you started thinking about the Flower Power from BMO

The MK's are under a 400 watt. I would usually have them under flouros for the first couple weak's. Because of the pot's being to big they would not dry out under the flouros.
The Erkle's are all under flouros.
The DWC is also under the 400 watt with the AN nute's..
Here is some pic's of it.
I am not too happy with how the AN stain the root's.
But the growth is great.
Ph 6.01 PPM 860. temp 60.
I love the simple updates. Things are looking good! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I have used BMO and loved it.
The yeild dropped. But after switching back to my FFline up yeild was still down.
So long story short. IMO it was not the BMO that decreased the yeild.
The bud's were sweetest tastiest bud's I have grown yet.
This is going to be round one. The winner of this round will go onto round 2.
I have not decided the other's. But Humbolt nute's- BMO- House and garden are a couple of my thought's.
Alright big update comin gunna be typing for a while.


Well-Known Member
Alright what up peep's,
I am spending about 45 to 50 HRS a weak in the garden.
So far I am really impressed with all the nutrient company's.
This is for them :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:.

I did 2 weak's of the clone nutrient's schedule.
That make's this past monday the start of weak 2 veg.
I mixed all 3 nutrient's exactly following each one's feeding program's.

AN mix (per 2 gallon)
Sensi A .42 oz
Sensi B .42 oz
Mother earth (grow) .51oz
H-2 .26oz
F-2 .26oz
B-52 1.28oz
Scorpion jiuce 2.56oz
Sensizyme 1.28oz
Pirahna .08oz
Tarantula .08oz
Voodo .38 oz

PH 5.91 no adjustment needed. PPM 982 Temp 75

Cutting Edge (per 1 gallon)

Micro 1 tsp
Bloom 1 tsp
Grow 3 tsp
Plant amp 2 tsp
Uncle john blend 2 tsp

PH 3.81 again no adjusting this product it self adjust with a little time.
PPM 1240 temp 75

Fox farm (per gallon)
Grow big 3 tsp
Big bloom 2 TBL

PH 6.57 I did adjust it with PH up.
PPM 1009 temp 75
I was aiming for a PH of 6.20 but went a bit high.
Any higher and I would have dumped it and mixed a new batch.
I never add PH down if I already added PH up. And vise versa.

The Erkle's got there first plain water on 11-2 and the runoff was.

CES- 6.02

Since then they have been transplanted on 11-3.
Again into Pro mix #4 adjusted to PH 5.98 a little lower then I was aiming for but still in range.
After transplanting They all got the Weak 2 veg nute's.


This is a MK that was started at the same time as the other MK's.
They are getting Advanced nutrient's per OLostO's request.:-D

On 10-28
They got weak 1 AN veg nutes per their feeding scedule.
PH 6.00 PPM 694 Temp 75

On 10-30 I checked the rez and it was PH 7.20 adjusted it to PH 6.23
PPM 757 Temp 73.

On 11-3

They got weak 2 veg nute's.
PH 5.85 PPM 984 Temp 77

On 11-5 (today)
I checked the rez PH 6.5 adjusted to 6.05.
PPM 935 Temp 77.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pic's.
I know the last post was all detail's.
All plant line up's are in the same order as before.

Pic's 1&2 are of the MK's.
Pic's 3&4 are the MK's after chopping off the top half.
Pic's 5&6 are the PE after tranplant.
Pic's 7,8 & 9 are the DWC. I pinched the the top 2 day's ago.



Active Member
On the 30th you said you moved the pH from 7.2 to 6.23 did that significant drop in pH do anything to the plants? I have been under the impression that when pH is dropped like that it should have/show ill effects? Any thoughts??


Well-Known Member
Today the erkle's got plain water. PH 7.03.
I tested the run off and the result's were.

FF run off PH 5.65
CES run off PH 5.52
AN run off PH 5.53

They are looking real healthy. I will post some pic's on monday.

The Master Kush root's have finally filled in the big ass pot's I started them in.
So I will transplant them on monday. And post pic's on monday


Well-Known Member
On the 30th you said you moved the pH from 7.2 to 6.23 did that significant drop in pH do anything to the plants? I have been under the impression that when pH is dropped like that it should have/show ill effects? Any thoughts??

Well growth may have slowed a little. But It still doing wonderful.
It has been 3 year's since I have done any hydro. And I adjuster the PH of the nute's too early after mixing and that is why IMO it drifted so high.
This weak I only PH upped a tiny bit. And by the next day the PH was 6.5.
So I brought it back to PH 6.2.

This weak I PH upped the nute's to 5.85 and it drifted to 6.5.
On monday I will PH up the nute's to only 5.5 and then with drift should land right at 6.2.


Well-Known Member
the second video doesnt have all the correct nutes..... when they show canna, its not even canna... if they messed that up, then i wonder what else they messed up on...


Well-Known Member
Today I transplanted the MK into larger pot's.
I flushed the pro mix and the PH was at 5.93
I give it a real good run through with RO water.
The PH seem's to raise a little after a day or so.

The Erkl's are looking good.

The DWC got weak 3 veg nute's from AN.
B-52 3 tbs
Sensi A 2 tsp
Sensi B 2 tsp
Mother earth grow 3 & 1\2 tsp
H2 1 & 3\4 tsp
F1 1 & 3\4 tsp
Sensizym 3 tbs
Piranha 1\2 tsp
Taratula 1\2 tsp
vodoo juice 2 & 1\2 tsp.

PH 5.75 PPM 1140 Temp 75

Pic's 1 & 2 The MK tester's.
All pic's in order of left to right FF-CES-AN.
Pic's 3 & 4 The Erkle tester's.
Pic's 5,6 & 7 Are the DWC with AN

