• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

For all the FOX, Beck, Limbaugh, Conservative Haters.


Well-Known Member
no but remember, this thread failed, there is absolutely no proof of fox news actually lying, or giving misleading information... none whatsoever..

the guy that started this thread labels it a failure because he can't believe his beloved fox news is capable of such things....

somebody got PWNED!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe people watch that show and believe it to be true....simple minded people I suppose

Cloud City

New Member
FOX is an entertaining channel but its not news its extreme Christian Conservative opinions. You'd have to be an oblivious tool to believe otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Didn't the VP of fox openly admit recently that fox 'news' is mainly about opinion and entertainment? I don't remember what he said exactly, but he did say something about fox being more like the editorial section of a newspaper than the news section.
Even if they openly admit that they're more opinion than news, that still is no excuse for blatant lies.


Well-Known Member
I remember a short story about amateur super heros trying to fight crime, they had 1 of the guys on to talk about it and he was fully decked out in costume with a mask on, finally the interviewer asked if he ever took his mask off, and he replied "i dont wear a mask your producers told me to put it on before i got out here", not political but shows they like to doctor things up.

Illegal Smile

Fox News is the most powerful news organization in the country by far. Attacks on it confirm this. No-one bothers attacking CNN or MSNBC with their abysmal ratings. And old and true adage: "As long as they are talking about you, it doesn't matter what they are saying."


Well-Known Member
They don' criticize CNN or MSNBC, because they don't flat out lie..Having a opinion and straight out telling untruths are two different things..You should try getting your news from NPR or CSPAN .....best news sources because its not opinion or lies


Well-Known Member
They're popular... so, they MUST be telling the truth. :roll:

Fox News is the most powerful news organization in the country by far. Attacks on it confirm this. No-one bothers attacking CNN or MSNBC with their abysmal ratings. And old and true adage: "As long as they are talking about you, it doesn't matter what they are saying."


entertainment and propaganda no solutions just shit from both sides lib. or righty not worth the time to watch or listen anymore. i gotta shut up and grow


Well-Known Member
grandpa always said not to discuss politics or religion with people because everybody wants to be heard but nobody wants to listen... wise old man, R.I.P :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
--If you log into the government's Cash for Clunkers Web site (cars.gov) from your home computer, the government can "seize all of your personal and private" information, and track your computer activity. Mostly, what they seem to do is distort things. They almost ignore news that doesn't fit their agenda, and go crazy with things that do.
did you ever access the website i did on a work computer because there is nothing of a sensitive nature on them but YES it did force you to accept a Terms Of Use agreement just to log in and in that terms of use agreement it clearly stated that any time you are logged into the wqebsite your comuter is considered public property. much farther down it stated that after accepting the terms of use the government was allowed to access ANY information on your computer and dispense it as deemed necessary to any one deemed legitimate be it foreign or domestic. if you thinks its not true i urge you to please go log into the site (if it wasnt changed after it was brought to national attention) and allow your PERSONAL computer to be monitered by anyone they want to. Firt thing to happen is they are gunna notice you love this site so much then bam


Well-Known Member
On Glenn Beck's Fox News program, Guilfoyle claims government's Cash for Clunkers Web site would give government complete access to your home computer

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Fox News anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle suggested people who visit the Cash for Clunkers Web site would give the government access to their home computer.

On Glenn Beck's Fox News program on July 31, 2009, Fox anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle suggested that clicking on the government's Cash for Clunkers Web page (cars.gov) would give the government complete access to your home computer.
The accusation came in a back-and-forth exchange among Beck, Guilfoyle and Jonah Goldberg, author of Liberal Fascism.
After warning viewers not to try this at home, Beck typed in cars.gov., the U.S. Department of Transportation Web site for the program better known as Cash for Clunkers.
"Here is Cars.gov," Beck said. "Let's say you go in. If I understand this right, I go in and I say, 'I want to turn in my clunker.' The dealer goes to Cars.gov, and then they hit 'submit transaction.' Here it says 'privacy act and security statement,' and it's like, oh, it's the Privacy Act of 1974. Whatever. I agree."

But when you pull it up, he noted, here's how the warning statement read: "This application provides access to the DOT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a federal computer system and it is property of the United States Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DOT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign."

"Good God Almighty!" Beck said.

Said Guilfoyle: "Could it be any more broad and frightening? Here you are trying to be a good citizen and make a charitable contribution, do something that's good — and guess what? They are jumping right inside you, seizing all of your personal and private (information) ... And it's absolutely legal, Glenn. They can do it."

"They can continue to track you basically forever," Guilfoyle warned. "Once they tap into your system, the government, of course, has like malware systems and tracking cookies and they can tap in anytime they want."

"Can you believe that?" she asked. "I mean, seriously, they can get all your information."

Later, Goldberg said it was "all very troubling. And, look, let me give you a hard example of this. Say you use Skype or some other Internet phone system, right? If you're on the phone while logged in on this thing, according to this, according to a lawyer I talked to before ... the government can legally listen to your phone call. They can check out what Web sites you've been searching."

"Because it says ... your computer is a government's property," Goldberg said.

"That's correct, if you log on to this at your home, everything in your home is now theirs?" Beck asked.

"Basically," Guilfoyle said, "and there's nothing you can do."
To dissect this one, we have to begin by noting the small amount of truth in their comments. The statement Beck read was on a government Web site for auto dealers, but Guilfoyle twists that into some incorrect claims about the government getting access to individuals.
Here's the true part: The Department of Transportation confirmed the language was on the cars.gov Web site, but on Aug. 3 it was removed. The DOT released this statement to PolitiFact: "A security warning on the CARS.gov dealer support page that stated computers logged into the system were considered property of the Federal Government has been removed. We are working to revise the language. The language was posted on the portion of the website accessible by car dealers and not the general public."
"It would be factually inaccurate to say that any computer that went to cars.gov would become the property of the U.S. government," said Sasha Johnson, a DOT spokeswoman said.
Although Beck began his segment by noting that the warning was on a part of the site for dealers, Guilfoyle then distorted the truth by suggesting it applied to members of the general public coming to the site for information about Cash for Clunkers. The allegations escalated as she and Goldberg issued warnings about anyone even typing in that address at home. And that's just wrong.
Beck seemed to concede that point when raising the issue again on Aug. 3.
"Now, these blogs have come out this weekend and said, 'Oh, there goes Glenn Beck trying to stir up trouble again. It doesn't affect the average person. It's just the car dealerships.' I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just the car dealerships. Oh, so then I shouldn't care? It's not the average people? It's just the average people who are in small business running the car dealerships," Beck said.
DOT's Johnson said the government has no plans to take over the computer of auto dealers either. And, again, the language was removed on Aug. 3.
But the language was there when Beck and Guilfoyle first raised their concerns. And clearly the language was overly broad, and bad enough to give ammunition to conspiracy theorists. That much is implied by the fact the government felt the need to remove the language. So in that sense, we think the DOT bears some blame for the confusion.
Had she said from the start that this just applied to dealers completing transactions, we might be more generous in our ruling. But we think anyone who saw the July 31 program — in which she claimed "seriously, they can get all your information" — would be left with the clear impression that anyone who logged into the cars.gov site was opening their computer to Big Brother. And that's False.

from politifact.com...
