Had to chop one down!!!

Ok - 35 days into flowering on my first grow. 2 GH Alaskan Ice from seed. DIY Ebb & Flow with rockwool/hydrotron medium in a Grow Lab tent under a 400w HPS. I have been dealing with plant size issues using LST and "super cropping". 1 plant is massive with amazing buds everywhere. The other was very stretched and barely doing much as far as bud production because the big plant was hogging up all the light. I decided to chop it because it would open up a bunch of needed room for my plant that is producing. Now I am concerned about the remaining rockwool cube and all the roots from the plant i chopped. Will the remains of the plant i chopped cause any problems for my happy and healthy plant? I started thinking about the roots/stem decomposing or rotting and making my baby sick.

Any input would be greatly appreciated - Thanks! :bigjoint:


Active Member
yes they will rot, you should try and get it out or add H2O2 in small amounts to your res, that will dissolve the rotting material.
yes they will rot, you should try and get it out or add H2O2 in small amounts to your res, that will dissolve the rotting material.
Im not sure what H202 is? Was this a big mistake? How will it affect my plant to have the other roots rotting?

It i carefully dig it out won't it damage roots from my healthy plant.

Seriously... Thanks for you time and help. :-(


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what H202 is? Was this a big mistake? How will it affect my plant to have the other roots rotting?

It i carefully dig it out won't it damage roots from my healthy plant.

Seriously... Thanks for you time and help. :-(
hydrogen peroxide dude. Get that shit out, its going to root and birth bacteria that will eat your good plants roots. It can cause weird deficiencies, dont let it trip you up.

feel you bro.
Im not sure what H202 is? Was this a big mistake? How will it affect my plant to have the other roots rotting?

It i carefully dig it out won't it damage roots from my healthy plant.

Seriously... Thanks for you time and help. :-(
****Actually i was incorrect on my initial statement that I was 35 days into flowering. Im stupid.... 35 days from harvest. My plant has large well developed buds with the pistols just starting to brown.****
FUCK!! Im so pissed right now. How the hell will I get the old roots out? With only 35 days to harvest am I best to just leave it alone? If I add H202 how much would I add?
By the way - I was a little stressed out, and messed up yesterday. I did not get a chance to say thanks for the advice. I have a game plan and I'm getting ready to attempt removing the chopped plant with my tray flooded. Plan on following up with some h2o2 in the res. Hopefully i don't screw it all up!!

Thanks - gf


Active Member
I use 10ml of H2O2 per gallon in my res if I think I need it. This should take care of your problem.
Try and get as much of the old roots out as you can and start with the H2O2, but don't over do it as it can hurt your plant just as much as it can help.
I would get a small scissors and start digging at the old root ball, carving as much out as you can without uprooting the healthy plant.
I think it went really well. I'm pretty sure that the majority of the roots stayed in tact with the root ball. It pulled up much easier than I had expected and did not seem tangled with my good plants roots - which is what I had feared. :) Thanks again!!