THANK YOU!I do indeed believe this is the article you seek This of course proving that it was Albert Hoffman's fate to find LSD-25. (Or at least I like to think so) He proves acid isnt bad for you he lived untill he was frickin 102. Anyways anyone else heard of people taking 2c compunds in their eye? Is it supposed to intensify the effects of lsd? I'd still never do it lol
I can not even find any information in regards to LSD-25 being transdermally bioavailable other than websites that list ways to use/abuse LSD.. hence; I can not find any bioavailability percentages, onset/total duration information, nor that it is even plausible. lolThe duration of LSD Orally and Transdermally is bound to be different.
eh hem.. what I meant to write Brevity, is shepj is a cockmiester lol.But Shepj. He intentionaly took LSD-25 on Bicycle Day. Your mixing up the LSD timeline. The first time the trip was all in the lab. The second time he intentionally took 250ug.
A folktale from a mile away... because I passed 2 large donkeys on the wayThe solution splashed onto his skin and absorbed a small dose.
Hoffman was the man, only if he could created another replica- sort of its evil sister but not too malice of course. But a gem like that only comes around every century or so!I'm definitely sticking with this, much more likely option.
Hoffman is exactly like Einstein in my opinion.
Einstein gaves us gravity upon which we stand on, so to speak(Critiquing itch coming on)
LOL, No. That's exactly what I meant. But Einstein made several groundbreaking discoveries/formulas.