never smoked weed help!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so ive never smoked wee so can yall help me all my friends talk about wraps and ounces dimes and niks i dont want them to know i dont smoke so tell me the lingo so i can start smoking thanx:wall:
wow what a lil poser..... this is just sad. I mean really really sad dude. U shud smoke weed cuz u want to not to look cool.. haha :wall:


Well-Known Member
ok so ive never smoked wee so can yall help me all my friends talk about wraps and ounces dimes and niks i dont want them to know i dont smoke so tell me the lingo so i can start smoking thanx:wall:

This thread might help as well mate

be safe and don`t do noting stupid while you`re high ;) (like talking to your parents for example :P)

dime is 10 bucks worth, niks are 5. Wraps probably refering to a blunt wrap or cigar to roll a blunt with. Maybe papers. Take the D bus downtown, to meet a latin american fella named Martinez...... and you know the rest.

LOL i love Dave Chappelle man :D


Well-Known Member
buy a pack of backwoods....sweet and aromatic...the best cigars for herbs....go to youtube for sum vid on how to roll....bu dont roll a joint...that wuz for the hippies in the seventies.....waaaay outdated....stay current...up to the time....dueces

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
yeah i was just thinking shit why doesnt he just go to the slang/vocab list. The more he typed the more my house smelled like bacon. Whats a dime, its 10 cents, it has Roosevelt's face on it. A zips, well i have heard that as a racial slur against asians. To flat out ask where could it find marijuana in san antonio, you would be dumb as shit to go there and not expect to get arrested. If your friends are smokers and you dont want them to know you are a poser, tell them you have a fucking drug test and you can smoke for 2 weeks then after your fake drug test you can go spark up with them and blame your shitty tolerance on that 2 week brake you were on.
irish is right getting high by yourself not as much fun as with friends.
go rent the movie Half Baked, up in smoke, nice dreams... they will also answer your questions.

All else you are asking questions in a place where people are suspicious about things that could get them busted. Most of your questions could be easily answered if you just read a little bit.

Good luck on getting high

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
The thing is you are an outsider who is trying waaaaaay to hard to get in. Be it popo or not the vibe is unsettling, and that is why people are giving you bad advice. That and you spelling and grammar are shitty either you again trying to hard or you have only a 7th grade education. We speak, read and write English on this board. Man not mayne, present participles do have a g at the end, wanna is actually spelled want to; the list could go on.
I think you should avoid smoking as you seem like you need all your cognizant functions as is.


Active Member
unbelieveable.....seriously?? im so frustrated i just read all 8 pages and this kid hasn't gotten high yet.....dont waste money on good weed ur first time, it doesn't need to be "done right" the first time kid, now the 2nd time....thats a different story, and call me crazy, but backwoods cigars dude? they must make them near you or something, only one's ive ever had are so dry they try and papercut my ass when i gut them