CFL Confustion - Pissed

this is what to do, put the 10 plants under the 150 hps and what ever cfls u can then switch to the 12\12 light cycle after a week give or take the plants should be sexed take the males out and any that u want to revert back to veg, then take the cfls and revert back to vegging i would get a bigger cfl to veg though, then keep what u started flowering under the hps. u can veg under ur hps i just did for about a month with my 150hps it worked fine good luck!!! oh yeah throw away the incandesents they are worthless


Active Member
stay away from those incandecents. 23w cfls are not bad you should stop stressin. go get some more and add em all. get some 2700k ones too. ive read that 23w cfls are the moste effecent cfls in tems of lumens per watt anyway. 10 plants is going to be alot to take care of when they get bigger too especially for a new grower like yourself. expect like half male but your not going to be able to tell at this point. stress isnt what always makes plants male either.
Cool man. Much appreciation for that bit of advice. Some people on this and other grow sites can be harsh. I had also forgotten that I have a 150 watt hps that I need to make use of...I am thinking rather than save it for flowering I should probably fire it up along with my cfls. Makes sense? Thanks again my friend.


Active Member
this is what to do, put the 10 plants under the 150 hps and what ever cfls u can then switch to the 12\12 light cycle after a week give or take the plants should be sexed take the males out and any that u want to revert back to veg, then take the cfls and revert back to vegging i would get a bigger cfl to veg though, then keep what u started flowering under the hps. u can veg under ur hps i just did for about a month with my 150hps it worked fine good luck!!! oh yeah throw away the incandesents they are worthless
Kick ass...I think I will do that. I hear from others by reading on here that doing the 12/12 thing like you said is bad, but then, I hear it isn't from others. What you say makes sense and it is logical for me to do. Awesome. btw, are incandesents really that bad? Thanks again my man.


Active Member
The incandescents are supposdly for growing...GE Plant light 65 and 60 watts...that is what i used to get them like they are....thinking i might switch back to them now that i know cfls are only 26 watts =/
Ok man I gotta help you before you totally mess up.

Dont use ANY of your Incadecent lights. They are worthless and are more useful for baking brownies in your Easy Bake Oven. The cfls you bought are great! They are 26 watt but are the light equivlent of 100w. You did good buying them. Now get rid of those useless bullshit GE Plant lights (which are a big joke) and put your cfls about 2 to 3 inches away from your plant, just because you plant doesnt grow "tall" quick doesnt mean its growing slow. Read up on stretching, node distance, lighting and other things available on this site before you go on, and I'm sure you will have some really great buds in no time.

P.s: confidence is the key to growing, but dont over do it. You should do fine if you read up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I have a 150 watt hps...I'm really new to growing ANYTHING and I'm trying to figure out how I am going to pull this off. As of now I have 10 plants and for all I know they are hermie or males...I almost hope some are (not really) because I am on a budget and I really can't afford to get more HPS lights. I have wasted so much money buying things that I didn't need, like cfls etc. I am still trying to figure out how to hang lights. I'm doing fairly well for someone as "green" as I am, I think...Anyways, any advice on how to light 10 plants using a 150 watt hps would be great...I am thinking I need to somehow flower 2-3 while letting the others veg. I realize 150 watt hps sucks...but, I'm making do..or trying.

well i can hijack your thread an post a link from youtube but i am growing 4 plants total with one 150 watt compact sunsystem, 2 23 watt cfl's and 2 4' t8 (uber slack i know) 2700k bulbs... i swapped my germ/seedling bulbs out to give my flowering plants any extra light i could. not to mention my mom accidentaly bought these 2700k t8 bulbs thinking she couls replace a single t5 with 2 t8's.... (well its true everyone and their mother tokes tha herb an it just so happens that mine is a bit behind the usual... mind you nothing but good intentions)
any ways i am not putting much more light than you are so its really not that big of an issue well here it is. in the id i dont even have the 4' t8 supplementing the Wonder Woman



Active Member
Kick ass...I think I will do that. I hear from others by reading on here that doing the 12/12 thing like you said is bad, but then, I hear it isn't from others. What you say makes sense and it is logical for me to do. Awesome. btw, are incandesents really that bad? Thanks again my man.
12/12 lighting schedules are used to force the plant into flowering. It usually takes 2 weeks (sometimes more, but is commonly takes 2 weeks depending on your strain, can take less) to show sex. I dont know who the heck said 12/12 schedule is bad for the plants. Just know that once you start 12/12 YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK! Lmao, just kidding, you can. Anyways once you start 12/12 you leave them in that cycle until you see the sex of each one. Take out the males (kill em, you can dry the leaves, they contain abit of thc. I crush them up and use them as "spice" for cooking, gives a decent high if you got nothing else to smoke) and if you are happy with their size just let them flower, or revert them back to 16/8 vegative light cycle (16 on, 8 off) I dont do 24 hours light for vegative growth anymore because I noticed that they took longer to flower switching from 24/0 to 12/12. Also, dont stress yourself out, I noticed that the more stressed I was growing, the more stressed my girls got. Now I grow on autopilot and its EASY to grow, clone, harvest and cure. A very fun hobby with HUGE rewards if you stick with it.

Big huge tip: Do not follow the advice of novice (or noobie) growers, alot of the time they dont know what they are saying, and their information may cost you all your work and plants. Read a little on this site, and remember kids: Knowledge is POWWWWEEEERRRR!!!


Well-Known Member
its now six weeks deep and the few smaller buds that i got a semi clear pic of are now twice that size... what wasnt in that vid was the three fattest colas all three look as if they are going to be a 1/4 a piece (not big for you urban growin trolls out there but good for me.)


Active Member
Ok man I gotta help you before you totally mess up.

Dont use ANY of your Incadecent lights. They are worthless and are more useful for baking brownies in your Easy Bake Oven. The cfls you bought are great! They are 26 watt but are the light equivlent of 100w. You did good buying them. Now get rid of those useless bullshit GE Plant lights (which are a big joke) and put your cfls about 2 to 3 inches away from your plant, just because you plant doesnt grow "tall" quick doesnt mean its growing slow. Read up on stretching, node distance, lighting and other things available on this site before you go on, and I'm sure you will have some really great buds in no time.

P.s: confidence is the key to growing, but dont over do it. You should do fine if you read up a bit.
Kick ass man. Thank you very much for that. I was JUST about to change them back to the spot-gro and GE Plant Lights. I started thinking to myself that they are way more powerful (wattage wise) but...thank god I didn't and read this first. That junk is a pain in the butt when you have a temp rig like I got - knocking over things etc. I'm going to invest in more CFLs first thing tomorrow. My big thing now is trying to figure out a better way to hang my lights. I am thinking I am also going to put to work my 150 watt hps a little early. Had just planned on using it for flowering but a fella in here gave me a tip on what to do. Thanks again man.


Active Member
12/12 lighting schedules are used to force the plant into flowering. It usually takes 2 weeks (sometimes more, but is commonly takes 2 weeks depending on your strain, can take less) to show sex. I dont know who the heck said 12/12 schedule is bad for the plants. Just know that once you start 12/12 YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK! Lmao, just kidding, you can. Anyways once you start 12/12 you leave them in that cycle until you see the sex of each one. Take out the males (kill em, you can dry the leaves, they contain abit of thc. I crush them up and use them as "spice" for cooking, gives a decent high if you got nothing else to smoke) and if you are happy with their size just let them flower, or revert them back to 16/8 vegative light cycle (16 on, 8 off) I dont do 24 hours light for vegative growth anymore because I noticed that they took longer to flower switching from 24/0 to 12/12. Also, dont stress yourself out, I noticed that the more stressed I was growing, the more stressed my girls got. Now I grow on autopilot and its EASY to grow, clone, harvest and cure. A very fun hobby with HUGE rewards if you stick with it.

Big huge tip: Do not follow the advice of novice (or noobie) growers, alot of the time they dont know what they are saying, and their information may cost you all your work and plants. Read a little on this site, and remember kids: Knowledge is POWWWWEEEERRRR!!!
U are so dead on about the more I stress the more my plants very true and it shows. Great advice man. I chose this site out of all the other grow sites because it seemed much more friendly. Cheers man.


Active Member
Do you think I should gradually go into the 12/12 or just do it right away? Last few days I have had them on 3 hours no light and tonite was 4 hours no light.


Active Member
stay away from those incandecents. 23w cfls are not bad you should stop stressin. go get some more and add em all. get some 2700k ones too. ive read that 23w cfls are the moste effecent cfls in tems of lumens per watt anyway. 10 plants is going to be alot to take care of when they get bigger too especially for a new grower like yourself. expect like half male but your not going to be able to tell at this point. stress isnt what always makes plants male either.
In a way I hope I do get 5 males...I guess I do and I don't. How much smell are 5 nice females going to put out? I am growing in a guest bathroom ...i got two lasko model 4822 Fresh Air Generators a vent blowing air in and a vent taking air out...but, it is just all part of the bathroom. do you think ill need to invest in carbon filters, odor-sok and yada yada?
i would just set up an ionizer were ever the air is blowing out if thats practical for ur situation ive heard not to put ionizers in the same room as the ladies because it can affect tase and smell which is important because weed tastes and smells soooooo good.


Active Member
i would just set up an ionizer were ever the air is blowing out if thats practical for ur situation ive heard not to put ionizers in the same room as the ladies because it can affect tase and smell which is important because weed tastes and smells soooooo good.

I've been researching this like crazy but can't find anything really. I have two Lasko 48 inch tower fans model #4822. I have two of them running in the guest bathroom where I have the 10 vegging sativa and mystery strain grows. I'm going to chance it and leave it in there. I hear that it may kill the smell and taste, which sucks, but at the same time if it is killing the smell that is good. I am totally researching how to kill the odor come flowering time. As of now there is the bathroom vent that is already in there, but I'm sure that is not enough for the smelly green stuff.


Active Member
In a way I hope I do get 5 males...I guess I do and I don't. How much smell are 5 nice females going to put out? I am growing in a guest bathroom ...i got two lasko model 4822 Fresh Air Generators a vent blowing air in and a vent taking air out...but, it is just all part of the bathroom. do you think ill need to invest in carbon filters, odor-sok and yada yada?
I wouldnt worry to much about the smell yet. Depending on the strain the smell strenght differs. Some smell like skunk or cat urine, some smell sweet like berries and candy. Do you know what kind of weed you got growing, or are they bag seeds? And if you want to put them into flower I say dont do the 12/12 gradually. Just change it immediatly and your plants will adjust perfectly fine. I'll even help you with a cheap and fool proof way to clone, which for me has a 100% success rate! But lets not jump the gun. Get those girls into flower and I'll try to help the best I can. Peaaace!


Active Member
I wouldnt worry to much about the smell yet. Depending on the strain the smell strenght differs. Some smell like skunk or cat urine, some smell sweet like berries and candy. Do you know what kind of weed you got growing, or are they bag seeds? And if you want to put them into flower I say dont do the 12/12 gradually. Just change it immediatly and your plants will adjust perfectly fine. I'll even help you with a cheap and fool proof way to clone, which for me has a 100% success rate! But lets not jump the gun. Get those girls into flower and I'll try to help the best I can. Peaaace!
U rock. I will take you up on that when the time comes. Yea, I am growing Durban Poison and the others are a mystery strain. I ordered 10 Durban Poisons and it came with 20 mystery seeds. I really wish I knew what the others were! Killing me not knowing. I have my plants in the dark stage for 6 hours tonite and tomorrow night Ima start them in the 12/12. I am trying to figure out a way to do my lights now that Ima throw the 150 watt hps in the mix. I picked up 2 more 26 watt daylight CFLS..I would have gotten more but Lowe's was out and home depot is like 40 minutes away. Thanks again man. I will def take you up on that clone advice when the time comes.


New Member
Your are the newest newb ive ever seen lol!
Ask yourself, self have you seen any other soul on this
or any other grow forum talk about growing any dank ass
bud with incandescent lights. Self might answer back saying
gosh you know what Ive never seen or heard that before,
why? Cus they SUCK ASS thats why;) those things will be banned
in the states by 2011 because they are a waste of energy. They dont
use the spectrum of light we need for growing another factor why they
shouldnt be used!
But seriously for us to better help you post up some pics of what your
working with, lights, hoods or reflectors, setup space, nutes... A pic is worth
a thousand words. I wanna know how the setup looks to be able to advice
you on how to position your lights, keep in mind you will need some kinda r
eflector that allows you to run the cfls horizontally and not vertically because
they distribute light better that way. Done right you can get some crazy nice
buds with those things, better quality than hps, cfls produce the most crystally
danky dank buds by far.


Active Member
U rock. I will take you up on that when the time comes. Yea, I am growing Durban Poison and the others are a mystery strain. I ordered 10 Durban Poisons and it came with 20 mystery seeds. I really wish I knew what the others were! Killing me not knowing. I have my plants in the dark stage for 6 hours tonite and tomorrow night Ima start them in the 12/12. I am trying to figure out a way to do my lights now that Ima throw the 150 watt hps in the mix. I picked up 2 more 26 watt daylight CFLS..I would have gotten more but Lowe's was out and home depot is like 40 minutes away. Thanks again man. I will def take you up on that clone advice when the time comes.
Thanks man, yea with less then 20 bucks you can create what I call a "fast and dirty" cloning machine. Very effective and easy to use. I wish someone told me this technique before. When you are ready Ill write up a quick tutorial and parts list. Also if you got a cam, I would love to see some pics of your setup. Also, if you want some heavy duty cfls I know that Home Depot sell 300 watt equivilent Cfl bulbs (which are great and are freakin huge) which only use about 65 watts and output 300 watts of light. Great stuff, only they run hotter then the 26 watt ones (which means you have to keep them about 3-4 inches from folage) and they cover a good amount on the plant. Yea if you are going to put them into flower definatly mix the cfls with your hps. You should get some nice results. Damn, I'm high. I talk to much when I'm high. Anyways good luck and keep me posted. Peace.