The Happy Camper
Active Member
This site is trash. I understand how theyre only trying to save the youth and keep them "drug free" and thats great, KIDS shouldnt do drugs. But this site makes the stoner, pot head, whatever some one who uses weed look absolutely retarded. And it pisses me off the bad name they are helping give to people who use marijuana. For example, the little polls scattered throughout the site annoy the shit outta me. The one question was like "why do you think teens use marijuana?" the three answers all were completely biased (the entire site is), 1. they think its cool. 2. they wanna fit in. 3. some bullshit answer like the other 2...
Where's answer 4?! They do it because it's their choice, not that of peer pressure or thoughts they'll become more popular if they do it. Watch the 'Stoners in the Mist' video, and tell me if you at all feel offended as i did? They refer to people who use mj as "Baffling Stoners" WTF is so baffling about it? read the parts about a stoners social life, they seem to portray a stoner as some one whos very dependent and anti-social and they make them seem like complete losers!
You've seen the above the influence commercials, (I wonder why they only do Above the Influence commercials on pot and not alcohol or worse?) theyre always worth a good laugh, the only people they are actually getting to are parents with their completely bias BS. Their website doesnt even have a forum (that i could find) so i cant rant their unfortunately.
Read the 'Words' and watch the confession type videos about stoners, these people cant actually be serious... "He did pot alot and i thought i'd never get him back" Back from what?! The non addictive plant?
Point of all this ranting is... I HATE the stereotypical view on people who use marijuana. dont you?
freedom wooooo
"baffling stoner"
lol wtf....
This site is trash. I understand how theyre only trying to save the youth and keep them "drug free" and thats great, KIDS shouldnt do drugs. But this site makes the stoner, pot head, whatever some one who uses weed look absolutely retarded. And it pisses me off the bad name they are helping give to people who use marijuana. For example, the little polls scattered throughout the site annoy the shit outta me. The one question was like "why do you think teens use marijuana?" the three answers all were completely biased (the entire site is), 1. they think its cool. 2. they wanna fit in. 3. some bullshit answer like the other 2...
Where's answer 4?! They do it because it's their choice, not that of peer pressure or thoughts they'll become more popular if they do it. Watch the 'Stoners in the Mist' video, and tell me if you at all feel offended as i did? They refer to people who use mj as "Baffling Stoners" WTF is so baffling about it? read the parts about a stoners social life, they seem to portray a stoner as some one whos very dependent and anti-social and they make them seem like complete losers!
You've seen the above the influence commercials, (I wonder why they only do Above the Influence commercials on pot and not alcohol or worse?) theyre always worth a good laugh, the only people they are actually getting to are parents with their completely bias BS. Their website doesnt even have a forum (that i could find) so i cant rant their unfortunately.
Read the 'Words' and watch the confession type videos about stoners, these people cant actually be serious... "He did pot alot and i thought i'd never get him back" Back from what?! The non addictive plant?
Point of all this ranting is... I HATE the stereotypical view on people who use marijuana. dont you?
freedom wooooo

"baffling stoner"
lol wtf....