magnesium defecient!...??????.........

i have 3 nl plants, the biggest is 18 inches. their 4 weeks old. i have recently concluded, with the help of awsome people here, that i am mag deficient. i added epsom salt today. i also added 4800 lumens to my closet today. (3 more 27w warm), how long before i see a result??? and will the browning leaves at the ottom, heal, or fall off if i fixed the prob????? thanks......


Well-Known Member
once leave are brown they usually just fall off sorry bro, you should see a difference in the new growth withing 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you're going CFL for your grow man. Temps are easier to control I think. Just make sure you use plenty of them for nice tight buds! I've got 18 100 W - 150 W bulbs on them now. Going to go to 20 bulbs after Halloween when I'm done using a couple of my clamp lights for props.


Well-Known Member
You should cut off any brown leaves. This will allow your plant to focus all of it's energy into new healthy growth.
A good source of magnesium can be obtained from molasses. It also contains Iron, Calcium, Vitamin B, Carbs as well as potassium. Check out the label on this bottle of molasses I purchased at the grocery store in the baking area.:bigjoint:Molasses is safe to use in veg I use 2 tsp in veg and 1 tbsp in flower per gallon.



Well-Known Member
thanx everyone!!
I just had an issue pop up on one of 2 of my girls, i'm doing CFL, and LOOKS like MAG Deff to me, however i know it's not. I will be posting a pic. This happened 2 days after over fert. Do you have a pic of your plant's issues?
also, u may be overwatering, or, over nitro-ing, id flush the soil, and let it get bone dry. really dry. but, i could be


Well-Known Member
also, u may be overwatering, or, over nitro-ing, id flush the soil, and let it get bone dry. really dry. but, i could be
Yea I figured the issue out. I had been boilingmy water, and letting it cool to water my plants, but my water is very hard, and boiling it made the calcium concentration well over 200ppm. This caused a Mg lockout due to PH being too low. TAAAA DAAAA!!!! How ya like me now?! LOL i'm baked, but feel like a genious for figuring it out. I have flushed 3 times with distilled water and the plants are bouncing back real quick.

Come check it out on MY conslolidated thread for Micro,Stealth And CFL grows.