New Member
Warning! Warning! Warning!
This question requires math and enough guts to state your views on paper.
What do you guess the rate at which I imbibe, in grams per hour, one month average?
I know cannabinoids are not standardized.
Make variety a spice of life!
It is also why good herbs can never be considered of to have any real "medicinal benefit".
Every government propaganda Sheepie knows that at birth.
Can't have those Hippies overdosing with deadly bong water.
For example:
If you imbibed .5 grams every 24 hours = .02 grams per hour.
Does that put you near an overdose?
Is that your monthly average intake?
How much weight does your pile of prescriptions carry?
More than an ounce?
I believe the more time spent unimbibed than imbibed, the better the bibe.
Please Be NORML

If you feel the need to understand a bit more Hippiespeak, my blog answers a lot of cryptic questions.
In fact, cryptography can be pretty spooky for some folks.
Every crypt needs a key.
Warning! Warning! Warning!
This question requires math and enough guts to state your views on paper.
What do you guess the rate at which I imbibe, in grams per hour, one month average?
I know cannabinoids are not standardized.
Make variety a spice of life!
It is also why good herbs can never be considered of to have any real "medicinal benefit".
Every government propaganda Sheepie knows that at birth.
Can't have those Hippies overdosing with deadly bong water.
For example:
If you imbibed .5 grams every 24 hours = .02 grams per hour.
Does that put you near an overdose?
Is that your monthly average intake?
How much weight does your pile of prescriptions carry?
More than an ounce?
I believe the more time spent unimbibed than imbibed, the better the bibe.
Please Be NORML

If you feel the need to understand a bit more Hippiespeak, my blog answers a lot of cryptic questions.
In fact, cryptography can be pretty spooky for some folks.
Every crypt needs a key.