How long did it take you to cash out?


Being a poor colleges student, I'm kind of hesitant to invest in something that'll take several months before i can really make some money. The thing is, I'm sure that in the long run it'll be worthwhile. but looking at how much I'm going to be spending in a day or two ($200-$300) constructing my grow box, i need some reassurance.

I'm planning on starting out with 4 plants.


Well-Known Member
Expect to go over budget if you are like e. I expected to spend 250 for my first grow. Instead I spent double that.

Heres a great link for you to learn all about DIY shit.

If you're going with HID, has the cheapest setups you'll find. They use refurbished ballasts, but they come with a 3 year warranty. My buddy ordered one and it worked fine when I fired it up. It hasn't gone into extended operation yet as he's dilly-dallying.

And yes, it'll be 4 months likely before you see any return on your investment if you sell it. 1 month seed-veg(1.5 would be better), 2 months for flowering or a little longer, then 2-4 weeks dry & cure if you care about the taste and flavor.


Well-Known Member
man if you even have a slight grasp of growing you can yield an ounce per plant with ease.
mid grade bud (around here is uncompressed and seedless) can be easily sold for 100$ a 1/4
to some wealthy patients on campus... that can save you alot of money in the long run ;)


Well-Known Member
man if you even have a slight grasp of growing you can yield an ounce per plant with ease.
mid grade bud (around here is uncompressed and seedless) can be easily sold for 100$ a 1/4
to some wealthy patients on campus... that can save you alot of money in the long run ;)
damn that sux 4 u. 100 bux for a 1/4 of mid grade. we get the bomb bomb for 100 a 1/4 in cali. mid grade round here goes for about 10 bux a gram


Active Member
man if you even have a slight grasp of growing you can yield an ounce per plant with ease.
mid grade bud (around here is uncompressed and seedless) can be easily sold for 100$ a 1/4
to some wealthy patients on campus... that can save you alot of money in the long run ;)
what is high grade bud then??

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Being a poor colleges student, I'm kind of hesitant to invest in something that'll take several months before i can really make some money. The thing is, I'm sure that in the long run it'll be worthwhile. but looking at how much I'm going to be spending in a day or two ($200-$300) constructing my grow box, i need some reassurance.

I'm planning on starting out with 4 plants.
The grow box you plan on building is just the beginning. You have to figure in light, nutes, plants, electricity, soil, ventilation... what I am saying is there is more to it than just a box. Do it for the love of the plant not money. Besides a few plants arent going to make you rich.


I'm not looking to get rich (well very rich anyways). I want to make a little extra on the side for books, food, etc. But I've computed the costs and with 150hps lights, fans, fertilizer/soil, seeds, the actual box, etc. and it comes out to a little over $200. What's awesome is that I don't have to pay the electricity bill.

Thanks for your answers guys! If I didn't have to start from scratch I would've done this a long time ago.

Illegal Smile

I'm not looking to get rich (well very rich anyways). I want to make a little extra on the side for books, food, etc. But I've computed the costs and with 150hps lights, fans, fertilizer/soil, seeds, the actual box, etc. and it comes out to a little over $200. What's awesome is that I don't have to pay the electricity bill.

Thanks for your answers guys! If I didn't have to start from scratch I would've done this a long time ago.
I agree it is for saving money not making money. In other words you don't sell it. You sound like you belong in school more than in jail.


Well-Known Member
you don't make money growing pot, you save money.
You’re right... That’s the whole reason I started growing. Then I started cropping every month (a pound and half) I keep an ounce for myself and sell the rest wholesale. Let’s just say life is good. I’m sure I don’t have to tell a pro like you this.


Well-Known Member
BTW for the owner of this thread... It takes more than just putting a seed into the dirt to get some money out of this. You have to know what you’re doing to turn this triad into a money maker. It probably took me about a couple thousand dollars to make money. So the point is read till your sick of reading, and then read some more. Soon you will have dreams about growing pot and think that everywhere you look you see pot plants. Then you will go through a stage of paranoia. Once you get over that stage and have a couple years under your belt you should start to flip a real profit. Good luck.


Active Member
I wouldn't say cash out since I am a Medical patient, but made my money back in 90 days. I spent about $500 on a (4x4 grow tent $99, 2 150 watt hps $180 for both, some buckets and pumps and nutrients and some cfls for the sides) and a aerogarden for clones and veg $100. Now I am slowly adding better stuff, going to get a 400 or 600 watt hps and just added a used 200 watt cfl. But, good medical grade MJ here goes for around 350 to 400 a oz and I was able to get 3oz on my first plant. Went from 1 plant to 3 and now have 6, 3 in veg and 3 in flower.