urgent help should i cut the lower branchs


Well-Known Member
my old man has been round and said i need to cut the lower branchs off cause he says there takin energy from the top ones which produce more bud and if i dont il just get loads off small buds

will this work or am i best leaving the lower branchs im 10 days in 2 flowering i have one plant and its under a 400 w hps the plant is 4ft in height

plz help as i dont know what to do and a want the best harvest possiable


Well-Known Member
my old man has been round and said i need to cut the lower branchs off cause he says there takin energy from the top ones which produce more bud and if i dont il just get loads off small buds

will this work or am i best leaving the lower branchs im 10 days in 2 flowering i have one plant and its under a 400 w hps the plant is 4ft in height

plz help as i dont know what to do and a want the best harvest possiable
Yea he's right, its known as the "lolipop" meathod, by cuting off lower branches that dont recieve enough light to form sizeable buds if any. Doing this will make the plant focus on bud top colas and other developing buds. I do this but some bash this because they believe it causes stress on the plant.


Well-Known Member
cheers m8 thanks for the info will do it know was a bit iffy bout doing it cause thought i could do somet iv read bout called super croping where you cut the top half of the plant when its done and then let the bottom mature but if i will get bigger budz lollipoping ill do that

cheers for the info though


Well-Known Member
my plants nearly dead from doing this
joined this site for help and info but got none
this is a fcuk mint site !!!!!!!!!!!!

cheers for nothing what a pile of poo this forum is wont ne coming back here for advice
cause guess what you dont get any fcuk mint that is

knob jocky's


Active Member
how bad did you chop your plant up?

asking/taking advice without showing any pics is completely useless.

so is following any blind advice....your attitude doesn't help. If that's the first plant you killed...i can promise you one thing...it won't be your last.

live and learn


Well-Known Member
just pissed me off cause all was going so well but listing to others who have more experiance turned to devastation
my plant was 4ftx4ft and a cut like the bottom 2 nodes so like 4 branches in total

im just proper head dun in gone through all the veg and 12 days in to bud


Active Member
cutting off 4 branches wouldn't be enough to kill your plant, especially the bottom ones.

furthermore, you took advice from someone with 90 posts.

nothing against them, but i wouldn't consider them a "expert" There are people here who have a lot of experience. There are also people here who talk about things a don't have a real clue what they are talking about. You need to look at someone's post history before blindly following advice.

but again...i dont see how cutting just 4 branches would have killed your plant if it were 4x4 in size. Without pics...all of this is pretty much useless though.


Well-Known Member
Why would you open a thread asking for "Urgent help" when you say you had a 4ft fucking plant doing fine. I have read many times from the veteran growers that in most cases the best thing you can do for the plant is nothing. If its not asking for any help then dont do anything, you will learn to know when you feed, water and move the lights. You can always use google and search instead of asking and waiting for someone to fill your thread with comments. Instead of ever just "cutting off" 4 branches you should have taken clones if anything so you have another plant coming along anyway. Sounds like you had a good start just get another plant going and maybe next time try a SOG and not let the plant get that tall in first place if your worried about lower growth being a problem. Good luck with next attempt and remember google is your friend, you will also find that most of the search results are going to lead you back to threads on this site anyway which is one of the reasons i subscribed


Well-Known Member
Why would you open a thread asking for "Urgent help" when you say you had a 4ft fucking plant doing fine. I have read many times from the veteran growers that in most cases the best thing you can do for the plant is nothing. If its not asking for any help then dont do anything, you will learn to know when you feed, water and move the lights. You can always use google and search instead of asking and waiting for someone to fill your thread with comments. Instead of ever just "cutting off" 4 branches you should have taken clones if anything so you have another plant coming along anyway. Sounds like you had a good start just get another plant going and maybe next time try a SOG and not let the plant get that tall in first place if your worried about lower growth being a problem. Good luck with next attempt and remember google is your friend, you will also find that most of the search results are going to lead you back to threads on this site anyway which is one of the reasons i subscribed
This is true, and my friend its completly normal to do that just dont go cutting big main branches, im doing the same thing with a cali hash plant that iv just swithced to flower. In my case the very bottom of my plant is all stariting to dye now because i have vegged for some time. This is normal and the advise that was given i dont think wudda killed ur plant dude.


Well-Known Member
This is true, and my friend its completly normal to do that just dont go cutting big main branches, im doing the same thing with a cali hash plant that iv just swithced to flower. In my case the very bottom of my plant is all stariting to dye now because i have vegged for some time. This is normal and the advise that was given i dont think wudda killed ur plant dude.
No doubt I would say let it go and the plant will show you if its going to be a problem as the lower stuff will start dying off anyway. I cant see a plant that strong going down for a hard pruning, show some pics so we can see it may have come out of the shock by now


Well-Known Member
Dont know much about this supercropping but it looks as if the top halfs leaves are all dead but the bottom are green look somehow revived ??


Well-Known Member
hey scooby guess what, if you killed your plant than its all your fault, nobody elses. trust me if you killed a plant by cutting a few branches off than you should never grow again. dont blame other people for your own mistakes and lack of knowledge. just so you know you are supposed to cut the lower branches off. the lower branches will produce tiny buds and take a lot of energy from the plant. also if you cut the low branches off the plant it helps the plant get more air flow.

trust me dude, cutting a couple branches off didnt kill your plant. your plant was already weak and about to die if that killed it. honestly you should ethier accept that you killed it, which we all do at least once... or get a new hobby. once again, people here know more than you and you dont have any reason to be mad at anyone. you killed it, so what. get some more seeds and start over. its not a big deal at all.

cannabis is a lot easier to grow than people think. just learn from the people here or please never come back again. nobody wants to help an asshole.


Well-Known Member
thats 1 branch... i top a few times then supercrop all my branches

cropping(LST, super-cropping,) is to train and menipulate ur plant... u bend the plant sideways which tricks the plant to grow vertical from its shoots at the nodes... the more nodes u have above ur bend (menipulation) the more shoots will grow and become tops... by doing this ur optimizing ur lights cause they will only penatrate so deep, SC will alow those lil buds at the bottem to become tops, by keeping ur canopy short and even.. and ur optimizing ur space cuz u pretty much make a blanket of weed rather then having areas /holes where buds could fit...
supcroppin is so benifical espeacilly if plant nubers is an issuse..
check this link , it will explain the process and such... check it good if it intrests u cuz every QnA is in there... even 1's u didnt think to ask... cheers
this is how my garden looks... it looks like a sog set up buts really 9 plants in a 5x4



Well-Known Member
Dont know much about this supercropping but it looks as if the top halfs leaves are all dead but the bottom are green look somehow revived ??
well ur leaves will die off as u get clser to ur harvest... i just cut that 1 off, shoulda picked the dead shit off first but what ever


Well-Known Member
dude thats amazing ! 9 there huh looks like a hell of a lot more am gonna check urlink out looks interesting thanks man rep for sure.


Well-Known Member
oh i forgot to mention that after u bend it down, allow at least 2 weeks for the shoots to start growing vertical b4 u flower.. i actually jus SC a few like 2 days ago, ill try and tak a few pics tomorow and post them and let u see them now and in a week or so when i put them in 12/12