Popping my shrooms cherry

So, tomorrow evening i am going to try shrooms for the first time. Im pretty pumped for it. Ive been wanting to try them for over a year now and it is finally time. My friends parents are going out of town so we have his whole house and he lives out in the country so he has a lot of land to explore and what not. Any who if anyone has any advice or somthing fun to do while im on them hit me up. I'll let you guys know how it all went.


Well-Known Member
don't play with guns. Try not to wander off by yourself. Definitely start a bonfire in a safe location as long as the wind isn't blowing to hard, and keep at least a 5 gal. bucket of water on hand in case it gets out of control, and when you leave the fire, pour the water on the coals. Music is alway good. A lot of times people say "oh do this or that" or " oh, this is the best thing to listen to while you're trippin" and honestly, 90% of the time they're wrong. Don't be forceful in what you do. Keep the plans simple, and don't try to map out your trip because it won't work out. I'd tell your friend to clean the house if it's not already pretty clean. I hate being in dirty living quarters when I'm tripping, but that's just me. These are just some simple things to prepare yourself. Clean house. no guns. No walking off in the woods by yourself, as tempting as it seems (unless you know the area THAT WELL). Bonfire is key (my opinion)


Well-Known Member
How many grams are you fixin to eat up? I like to chew them up and suck all the juice out and then swallow the rest.
Im only taking about 2 grams but my friend i got them from said he took them and a gram did him just fine. Apparently their blue and that sounds pretty tasty


now this is what i like to read! someone who is clean and responsible but still down to have fun on some mushies. i hate dirty stuff when tripping nd guns are horible. i accidently got lost in the forest when i tripped. out of control. the deer looked like nessy aka lochness monster
don't play with guns. Try not to wander off by yourself. Definitely start a bonfire in a safe location as long as the wind isn't blowing to hard, and keep at least a 5 gal. bucket of water on hand in case it gets out of control, and when you leave the fire, pour the water on the coals. Music is alway good. A lot of times people say "oh do this or that" or " oh, this is the best thing to listen to while you're trippin" and honestly, 90% of the time they're wrong. Don't be forceful in what you do. Keep the plans simple, and don't try to map out your trip because it won't work out. I'd tell your friend to clean the house if it's not already pretty clean. I hate being in dirty living quarters when I'm tripping, but that's just me. These are just some simple things to prepare yourself. Clean house. no guns. No walking off in the woods by yourself, as tempting as it seems (unless you know the area THAT WELL). Bonfire is key (my opinion)