B.C Nutes

my nutes came in today but i dont understand:confused: i do understand how much to mix thats pretty much clear because the chart tells you.but i dont know if i should give half of the seedling formula for a couple of days then give full formula and how often do i feed the nutes every day with ph adjusted water as top-off?every other day?or do i use nutes once a week?

if you know any thing about b.c nutes please help


Active Member
my nutes came in today but i dont understand:confused: i do understand how much to mix thats pretty much clear because the chart tells you.but i dont know if i should give half of the seedling formula for a couple of days then give full formula and how often do i feed the nutes every day with ph adjusted water as top-off?every other day?or do i use nutes once a week?

if you know any thing about b.c nutes please help
sounds like the recipie for success.

I start off with the seedling step and use it for 2 wks mixed full strength (just carbs and B vits) then when you goto the veg I bump just the boost and grow down to 5ml and 2.5ml for first feeding then twice that for 2nd then full strength by third feeding. When I goto the bloom stage I bump that down to 10ml boost and 10ml bloom for first feeding. I keep the thrive alive and sugar daddy and magcal the same as instructions the whole time.

The whole time its feed water water feed so how often to feed depends on how fast dirt drys.

Oh yeah! For the flush I only use magcal and sugardaddy for first feeding then I just use sugardaddy (8tsp) the rest of way. Since its just carbs (sugardaddy) during flushing stage I feed water feed.

5ml = 1 tsp

good luck, hope it helps


Well-Known Member
i got my kits for free with my setups, and i never knew these nutes where so good, actually for chem nutes they are the best i tried...anyways if you have a ppm/ec meter need to check your tap water, if you have good clean tap water, say less than 100ppm then cal/mag is a must, i dont know what ind of system you run but if you do have a ppm meter then no more than 400 ppm between the magical and the superthrive, i would even suggest 250ppm...as per the chart just go half until the vegging plants tell you they need more nutes
thanks guys for the replys tom420 no i dont have one i was told i could get a grow under my belt b4 i got one because they aint cheap
ekacpac sorry if i screwed your name up im high:joint:and morrisgreen thats awsome you got a kit for free damn your lucky cus i paid for mine.i understand how yall feeding them but im bubbleponics can u still help me?because the mix chart says that with hydroponics use formula every irrigation cycle what do they mean?every topp-off which is every day or do they mean every week?so one please help cant start untill i know for sure


Active Member
That's where a ppm meter comes in handy. At hydroponics.net there's one for 30 bucks and they have the ph test liquid for 5 bucks.

They mean add it when you your res gets low. I mix a couple gals and set the extra aside and end up adding nutes every 2 days I let it vary a gal before I add nutes. I also change my res every week or two.

Really to go hydro ya at least need a way to test the ph. I forgot this isn't the dirt forum lol.


Well-Known Member
I got the BC 'recipe for success' kit when I bought my ebb and grow. I didnt use any of the extra crap that came with it. The 'boost' is the same as the GH grow, so when I ran out of the boost I just substituted GH grow and actually had better results. When I mixed the GH grow with the BC nutes, my PH stablized out at 5.7 and stayed there for 5 days without moving.

As for the rest of the kit. I dont think any of it is necessary. The cal-mag stuff that comes with it might come in handy during flowering and the B1 can be used in transplant situations or situations where they become shocked. The rest of the kit went straight into the garbage.

If I were to purchase this stuff I would buy just the Grow and Bloom and use General Hydroponics Grow with it.


Well-Known Member
I got the BC 'recipe for success' kit when I bought my ebb and grow. I didnt use any of the extra crap that came with it. The 'boost' is the same as the GH grow, so when I ran out of the boost I just substituted GH grow and actually had better results. When I mixed the GH grow with the BC nutes, my PH stablized out at 5.7 and stayed there for 5 days without moving.

As for the rest of the kit. I dont think any of it is necessary. The cal-mag stuff that comes with it might come in handy during flowering and the B1 can be used in transplant situations or situations where they become shocked. The rest of the kit went straight into the garbage.

If I were to purchase this stuff I would buy just the Grow and Bloom and use General Hydroponics Grow with it.
You didn't use awesome blossoms or sugar daddy?
If you didn't use them why would you throw them away? lol
Seems like a waste, you could have used them and maybe had better results
You don't know until you try bro


Well-Known Member
You didn't use awesome blossoms or sugar daddy?
If you didn't use them why would you throw them away? lol
Seems like a waste, you could have used them and maybe had better results
You don't know until you try bro
Because I have never ever seen anything conclusive anywhere showing that these types of products actually do anything. I have never seen a single comparison grow where molasses did anything at all, and I suspect I never will. Sweeteners like 'sweet' or 'sugar daddy' are basically a few tablespoons of molasses with a little epsom salts mixed in a gallon of water. Only $49.95!! And as an added bonus there is no conclusive proof they actually do anything....What a deal!!

As for 'Awesome Blooms' Im already using a bloom formula, if I wanted more phosphorus, I would just add more of the bloom that Im already using.

Snake oil is big business in hydroponics. If nothing conclusive exists showing it actually works I dont bother wasting my money.

You are right though, I should have saved the 'sugar daddy' to put on pancakes.

Ive noticed that none of the expert growers on these forums use exotic supplements.
damn thats deep because im eating pancakes right now!!and i just paid for some candy bud from adv.nutrients and im feeling like it was a waste of money. but i was going to replace the suger daddy with the candy bud and see what happens.the candy bud should have more vites and acids in it.damn im confused now can i use candy buds with bc nutes.


Well-Known Member
wow you threw away root 66???????? you know how expensive that stuff is? thats one of the top 3 things i ever tried, you wont believe what that does to roots, the cloning gel is good the super thrive is nice, kelp is always good, everything else is just basic, an average PK booster, magical is always good especially if you have good clean water its a must and sugar daddy for carbs gives the plants an energy boost...that whole kit, used with a little common sense will make noticably happier plants


Well-Known Member
wow you threw away root 66???????? you know how expensive that stuff is? thats one of the top 3 things i ever tried, you wont believe what that does to roots, the cloning gel is good the super thrive is nice, kelp is always good, everything else is just basic, an average PK booster, magical is always good especially if you have good clean water its a must and sugar daddy for carbs gives the plants an energy boost...that whole kit, used with a little common sense will make noticably happier plants
Root 66 is expensive? Shocker given what is in it. Kelp extract which is about 9$ a quart at any garden store, urea (basically piss) and phosphoric acid which can be bought for 10$ a gallon (Alaska Fish morbloom). Hell, I have most of that out in my potting shed already. Could probably make a lifetime supply of the same thing yourself for 20$.

Snake oil is big business in hydroponics. People use exotic supplements that make vague claims, then attribute the genetic characteristics of their particular strain to that supplement. Plants dont need exotic supplements, they just need fertilizer, and exotic supplements have no magical properties, hence the vagueness of the claims of manufacturers of same. If there are no independent side by side comparisons done (and there never are) then I don't bother wasting my money.

I have a friend that uses 'Banana Manna' which he dumps liberally into his reservoir. He claims that it 'grows crystals' on his buds. He attributes all of the genetic properties of the strains that he grows to the banana manna. He pays about 50$ a gallon for one or two smashed up bananas, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and some epsom salts. I try to explain the absurdity of smashed up bananas having magical properties within marijuana growing, but if he wants to flush his money down the toilet, so be it. Not my problem.

I use fertilizer only and I continually blow away his harvests. Go figure. Kits like this one get you buying ten products when you only actually need three or four products to kick ass in hydroponics.

Just my two cents worth.


Active Member
Before you threw the sugardaddy away you should have tried it... Its amazing the difference if you flush with it (thats all I use it for). Its just carbs and amino acids... Same idea of body builders, they stock up on carbs... The root 66 is overpriced. I admit it does seem to make the roots grow faster than without them but too darned much $ for me for such a little result. My tap water is less than 50ppm so if I don't use magcal you'll see a mag or cal def (look same to me).

molasses brings in bacteria and bugs... Everything under the sun loves sugar. its a big debate so I don't wanna go into it..


Well-Known Member
Before you threw the sugardaddy away you should have tried it... Its amazing the difference if you flush with it (thats all I use it for). Its just carbs and amino acids... Same idea of body builders, they stock up on carbs... The root 66 is overpriced. I admit it does seem to make the roots grow faster than without them but too darned much $ for me for such a little result. My tap water is less than 50ppm so if I don't use magcal you'll see a mag or cal def (look same to me).

molasses brings in bacteria and bugs... Everything under the sun loves sugar. its a big debate so I don't wanna go into it..
I dont use snake oil, sorry.

I use Lucas Formula so cal/mag deficiency does not apply.


Well-Known Member
i would never buy this kit cus i hate salty nutes like this, but as for the root 66, its only for emergency use, like if you catch root rot it helps the recovery process, you like fuzzy roots? like nice peach fuzz then this is for you and lotsa fish bones?, i use most of those secondary products for cloning, my clones stay nice and greeen for longer with the use of red B-1