Coco grow - Super Silver Haze, Blue Cheese and Trainwreck

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
The Law is there to be respected & protect the innocent its just a shame some of the PMs live in coo coo land, and dont see the real life picture!

A big fat grade B skunk for you lol

Warrning this spliff will get you stoned


Well-Known Member
fucking right eh snowy, did you see he's also accused jacqui smith of distorting the data when she reclassified it.
yeah man...Jaqui Smith is a f*cking twat. It's all her fault as far as I can see....and knob end Brown of course, backing her up. God knows what the Tories will do when they get in next year. I just hope they are more realistic about it all and actually listen to the clinical professionals and studies/trials. 14 states in the US, Holland and Switzerland can't all be wrong about it.

If they controlled it, they could tax the bollox out of it and that would go some way to help clearing a bit of this hear shit heap of debt this country is stuck in. It would be an awesome money spinner for them, instead of wasting their time and resources busting people who grow a bit dope and cause no harm to society! Makes me cross man!!! :fire:


Well-Known Member
The Law is there to be respected & protect the innocent its just a shame some of the PMs live in coo coo land, and dont see the real life picture!

A big fat grade B skunk for you lol

Warrning this spliff will get you stoned

nice one....cheers dude....I really needed that! :bigjoint:LOL

And one for you buddy.......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

Not listened to this for an AGE till I randomly thought of it this morning..........absolute CLASSIC Prodigy! :hump: Proper haunting shit!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i think if we were any other country we'd have done it already, its the stiff upper lip brigade and the useless government tossers that are in charge that unless are removed i cant see us ever going medical or decriminalising it.


Well-Known Member
i think if we were any other country we'd have done it already, its the stiff upper lip brigade and the useless government tossers that are in charge that unless are removed i cant see us ever going medical or decriminalising it.
I was a big fan of Charles Kennedy mate. Worst thing the lib dems did was get rid of the piss head. A drinker he may of been, but that made him normal. Know what I mean man? This Clegg clone I'm not too sure about, but you still gotta fancy the lib dems as the most favourable gov to bring it in. Apart from the greens of course! LOL....but will they ever get in. Probably not. And as long as it's red or blue, I totally agree with you. Too many stiff upper lips, even with the newer generation of MPs. FFS....wish they would just get a grip on reality.

I'm getting really nervous about my shit at the moment too. It stinks! I've ordered two more ona blocks to place one near my intake as well, I'm sure that's where the occasional leaks are coming from. The mrs is not very happy with some of the leaky smells.......helicopter is out as I'm typing. Man, I hate it. I want my plants to be finished and chopped. Wish I lived in Holland....or Cali! LOL


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
This is more my mood

Most of our mps should be sacked for fraud against the queen yes high treason claiming all that dosh for second houses, gardens,gates,underpants,helicoptors,boats second third wifes makes me wounder what they claimed for they wont show us will they the fuckers :cuss:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye if they were forced to declare like the royals they'd be lynched faster than you can say general election.

I vote lib dem in the locals but i really don't think they stand a chance in the generals. most peeps don't remember the strikes under old labour in the 70's the royal mail will be the first of many im sure.

as for the smells man, how long have you had your filter? could be due a change man. you shouldn't have any leaking smells tho, your passive intake right? out through a fan/filter? there shouldn't be any smell at all unless you have a fairly major leak or the filters had its day.???


Well-Known Member
This is more my mood

Most of our mps should be sacked for fraud against the queen yes high treason claiming all that dosh for second houses, gardens,gates,underpants,helicoptors,boats second third wifes makes me wounder what they claimed for they wont show us will they the fuckers :cuss:
Smack JaquiSmith up!! LOL

well, lets not even get started on the expenses scandal. In fact, lets gets off the politics shall we, sorry's making me cross. Feel a bit highly strung today! Need to chillax!


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
When there is no one worth voting for dose that mean its time for a revolution?lol

Iv had my filter 18 months still going strong.


Well-Known Member
as for the smells man, how long have you had your filter? could be due a change man. you shouldn't have any leaking smells tho, your passive intake right? out through a fan/filter? there shouldn't be any smell at all unless you have a fairly major leak or the filters had its day.???
About a week. It's a 6" rhino. And I got an ona block next to the extraction. That side is covered. So I'm sure it has to be leaking out my intake. My fans turn down by themselves in the day, on a climate controller, and I think the room might kind of de-pressurise a bit and the smell leaks out the intake as it's worst when lights are off. That's my rough theory at the moment anyway, so I'll put a block next to my intake, or maybe in it on the edge and here's hoping that will sort it. Not much more I can do after that anyway, so it had better fucking sort it! If the mrs still aint happy, I might have to chop early. But that is the last thing I want to do.


Well-Known Member
no worries dude, I started it.

Cheers man. Lovely aint she. That's my special Blue Cheese! hehehehehe! :blsmoke:
I am actually sure it is this very plant that is giving me the biggest odour problem. My TW smells quite mellow, this one f*ckin wreaks!! Gotta love her though!

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
When I grew tw It stunk to holly hell, drying was a nightmare the whole house was stinkywiff open the back door and you could smell it in the street.