CFL vs Tube


Currently vegging 2 plants with 2 cfls 26w approx 16" above the plants with diamond reflector domes (any closer and they burn.) My question is, would a t8 4" 38w (6500k) fluoro tube fixture be more efficient since I can get them right up on the plants or are these 2 cfls still more efficient for growing even at that distance? Package says they are 1860 lumens I'm pretty sure and at that distance of 16" with the reflector domes how much lower is that number?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any insight on which would promote faster growth at the given distances? Thanks
I would say the CFL's because the light is more direct and the tubes spread alot of light but I'm probably not the best person to answer since I only have tubes at the moment. Sorry


your plants are 16" away from your cfl?
you should get them closer because the lumen's drastically drop even 1" away from the cfl!!
try havn a fan blow cold air across them because they shouldnt burn even being a couple of inches away they should be good, usually when the leaf touches the cfl it'll burn,
why dont you throw in the florescent t8's along with your cfl's? every bit of light helps.


Well-Known Member
how can ur plants possibly burn from that far away, plants usually dont burn untill they touch the cfl, u might have yourself an electrical problem because there is wayy to much resistance going through those bulbs if they get that hot.


lol...this thread...made me shit my pants

You can get the CFL 2" away...reflectors wouldn't change anything...

Well, I don't know what else to say. I know how to identify a burn and these are definitely burns. I'm closet growing with no ventilation really and they stopped burning immediately after I brought the height up.

As far as an electrical problem...this is the first I've heard that theory and wouldn't even know where to begin identifying that...
Well I have 4 23 watt cfls and 4 9 watt and one 14 watt cfl on one plant those lights are no more then 2 inches away at all times and I'm in a closet too with one fan blowing air around the closet no burning I had another plant (went male) I had the lghts 5 inches away and the plant was streching for light. Get those lights closer and throw a shifty fan in that damn closet 16 inches away and you better be using a HID


your fan might be pushing your plant into the light making it burn when you had it closer 16 in way to far for a cfl..


Well-Known Member
Someone trying to smoke your plant while its still growing is more likely than a cfl burning any kind of plant from 16 inches away. I put my 26 watters litterally like a half inch to an inch at most they have a fan blowing on it from many feet away and not once have I gotten a burn.


Active Member
Well, I don't know what else to say. I know how to identify a burn and these are definitely burns. I'm closet growing with no ventilation really and they stopped burning immediately after I brought the height up.

As far as an electrical problem...this is the first I've heard that theory and wouldn't even know where to begin identifying that...
Maybe you do know how to identify a burn maybe not. IT is impossible for 2 cfls to burn your plant from 15- inches from your plant. I have six 23w's with a reflector at 2inches

You either have:
A.) An electrical problem thats going to burn your house down.
2.) Reflector is creating some kind of magnified hot spot
III.) Nutrient burn.


Well-Known Member
ever think to consider the cfl's themselves are not burning the plant BUT
they are raising the ambient temps high enough in his closet with no fans and the door shut to cause overheating issues?

just a thought....


Active Member
ever think to consider the cfl's themselves are not burning the plant BUT
they are raising the ambient temps high enough in his closet with no fans and the door shut to cause overheating issues?

just a thought....

Well..I feel obliged to say that the bug in your sig tricked me -_- (after 3 rubs and wtfness)
I'm guessing any burn is nute burn...even a hotspot from the reflector seems unlikely at that distance. I have a unit that I rigged to run 8 CFLs out of at cooling for it, and I can damn near rest the bulbs on my plants and then leave them there for hours before they will cause any burn. If yours are running your room temp high enough to cause plant dmg, then I can only assume you live somewhere that is consistently much warmer than where I live.


Active Member
Honestly the easiest way for anyone to accurately make a judgement on your specific problem would be picture(s).

Have you placed the back of your hand were your leaves are to see if YOU feel that its hot on your hand and by Hot i mean you wouldn't want to keep your hand there.

Im sure your aware that an HID light gives off more lumens and heat is a bi product associated with this type of lights...
CFLs are designed to run cooler thus allowing you to place them closer to the plant..

so sight unseen i cant help but feel that your cfls are too far away at 16" move them closer using your hand as a reference and ALSO keep in mind your plant is growing and you will need to adjust the lights accordingly this could be everyday if needed to ensure the best possible situation for it to grow