Here we go steelers here we go.


Well-Known Member
WHAT ABOUT THE SAINTS?!! Come on, gime your opinion, just how good do you think they are?

Sorry.. but it's not like i've been able to talk as a SAINTS fan.. man i'm fuckin excited.. cautiously of course... but man.. could you imagine.. New Orleans.. Super Bowl Champs... it'd be so fuckin awesome...

That game against Miami was badass... great adjustments and then miami helped beat itself with dropped passes and stupid pnlties... Go Saints!!


Active Member
ben rapeliberger and the steelers will lose to the pats in playoffs if they dont get handled by the bengals first.


Well-Known Member
pats are fucking wanna be chumps...........remember last year at shitllete stadium......whats the matter ........didnt like the ass wooping....your scumbag coach runs crying off the feild cant even shake hands.........ever after they stole tape and signals got their ass wooped........why..........cause they are chumps........ like they will even make the playoffs lol.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
pats are fucking wanna be chumps...........remember last year at shitllete stadium......whats the matter ........didnt like the ass wooping....your scumbag coach runs crying off the feild cant even shake hands.........ever after they stole tape and signals got their ass wooped........why..........cause they are chumps........ like they will even make the playoffs lol.
They didn't have Tom Brady.
If you think this doesn't mean anything, you do not know football.


Well-Known Member
why you allways trying to start a fight........Tom Brady a primadonna ........they had moss welker and the rest....

you need to chillaxe .

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
cowboys are as they say pretenders not contenders. LOL
Man I ain't paid attention to the boys snce 95 96 sumthing like that... Wut a team of dissapointment lol... All my peeps that are fanz round here and in Dallas were tlkin bout they goin to the superbowl when they made playoffs... I was like man they gon lose that... They might az wel forfeit n close up shop till the next year... Then I watched a game the other day and seen romo fukin up... But I hadn't kept up wit Em soI dnt know how they doin...


Well-Known Member
saints are on fire about time eh.................. who dat!!!!!!
Drew breeeeees :lol:

Eagles had a sloppy win, but a win is a win. Miami should of won, but now they made them look even better now that they came bac after being down 21 points :spew:

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
why you allways trying to start a fight........Tom Brady a primadonna ........they had moss welker and the rest....

you need to chillaxe .
I've never once tried to start a fight. That has been you with basically every post. So don't try to put that on me. I've also never insulted the Steelers, despite your responses. And to say Tom Brady is a prima donna, just look at what he has accomplished since he took over for Bledsoe all those years ago...


Well-Known Member
I've never once tried to start a fight. That has been you with basically every post. So don't try to put that on me. I've also never insulted the Steelers, despite your responses. And to say Tom Brady is a prima donna, just look at what he has accomplished since he took over for Bledsoe all those years ago...

ill word this so you can understand it...........this thread is a steelers thread.....steelers... you come in all the time and try to discredit them........instead of showing them the respect they follow ?
that to me is confrentational.......its allways the same shoulda woulda coulda with you....... its disrespectfull and confrentational.


Well-Known Member
even bein cow bitches i believe we r top in our division... hmmmm if our girls beat your boys wonder what our boys do to your girls????