Seedling Growth Stunted! Give Me Some Help!


Hey y'all,

I planted my seedlings last Tuesday and germinated them the Thursday before that. Two stretched like crazy and I've had to prop them up with sticks. Those two along with another one have sprouted seed leaves. The other two haven't opened up the casing yet and its been almost 5 days with absolutely no new growth. They look like they're on the verge of opening up but nothing new has happened in almost a week. The two that haven't opened have broken the surface and are standing up on their own but the seed casing is still there.

I watered them last Tuesday but have been reluctant to give them any water for fear of over-watering the delicate seedlings.

When should I water these guys and is it normal for them to slow the growth rate down so abruptly? I changed their light cycle 3 days into planting them from 18/6 to 24. Could this be the issue?

I'm currently using a 400 watt HPS light and the temps and humidity are all straight. (80 degrees 44%)


Thanks bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
C'mon y'all wheres the love?
Stretched like crazy? how far is your hood from the canopy. I keep my 400watt HPS about a foot above, but it is air cooled. What medium are you using? Any nutes? What's the Ph? If your roots are exposed to light or root bound I could see this happening.

Finally, a picture is worth a 1000 words! Get one up if you can, you'll get a much better diagnosis.


Active Member
no dark time means no photosynthesis. i would have them at 18/6. and put a fan close enough to give the seedlings a little breeze


I'm at my girl friends house right now so I can't get a picture up but I'll put one up later. Should I start it back to 18/6 again tonight or should I ease it in over the next few days (maybe 22/2, 20/4, 18/6)?

I don't have the PH, my HPS is about 25-30 inches above the plants, its air-cooled and I'm using a FFOF medium.

I'll get pictures up in like 45 minutes. 'Preciate the help fellas.


Well-Known Member
I'm at my girl friends house right now so I can't get a picture up but I'll put one up later. Should I start it back to 18/6 again tonight or should I ease it in over the next few days (maybe 22/2, 20/4, 18/6)?

I don't have the PH, my HPS is about 25-30 inches above the plants, its air-cooled and I'm using a FFOF medium.

I'll get pictures up in like 45 minutes. 'Preciate the help fellas.
I'd drop your light down, 25-30 inches will cause stretching. Lower your light about 6" per day until you reach 12" or so. The closer the light the BETTER. The farther the light the more is wasted. The only thing you need to watch out for is heat at the tops of your cannopy. Rest your hand at the tops of the plants, backside up towards light. If your hand becomes uncomfortable to hold there after 30 seconds your light is too close. While your lowering watch for signs of light burn (brown leaf edges) If you see any back it off.


Damn thanks for the info. I tried putting up pictures but you really can't tell shit because I have such a shitty camera. I'm going to lower my light a little bit and start the 22/2 cycle and so on and so forth. Thanks for clearing this shit up guys.

Any word on when to water?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you get PH strips and make that right. I ended up vegging my first plant for 56 days because she stayed so stunted from no PHing right away. I had the PH Down and PH Up and obviously the arrogance that my water was fine and blew it off. Even when misting, make sure PH is right. Hopefully, yours is good without needing anything. Good luck.


Ok so, I changed my light cycle back to 18/6 and i moved my light to about 12" above the plants. The two that hadn't opened their cases finally did. They have tiny leaves and don't look very healthy.. The other 2 are stretched the fuck out looking like fantastic 4 and shit. The other 1 looks great like before.

I have 4 more seeds, should I just cut my losses and germinate these seeds before anything else happens? Its been 9 days since I last watered and they were put in the dirt.

Thanks for all the help.