Texas Dank!!


Active Member
Old threads but, your stuff looks really good! If there's one thing that quickly drove me nuts about living in central texas it's all the deer! They're elegant and peaceful, until they eat every plant you own or jump out in front of your car at night. It became a challenge to find plants they wouldn't eat-- especially during dry summers. Oh and that micro-brew out of Blanco is pretty good. I like the Fireman #4-- good stuff. Cheers!
Here is my new outdoor

I just want everybody to know I am a breeder but I don't have a million seeds alot of my seeds are going into my own breeding projects to stabilize better genetics.. Everything I have now is just F1's and Bx2's.. Someday in the near future when I find a way to accept money without getting caught, Then I will release them to the general pubic.. I gave freebies all the time to every one who asked I would have no more seeds left.. So I hope everybody understands..
Yes I gave free seeds on the Texas Growers Unite thread and I also got in trouble by Rollitup I have no more warnings left before I get kicked off of here.. So please everybody understand... I wish I could send free seeds to everybody but then again I wish I could grow 100 acres of pot too.. hehe

And a dope track by Portis Head

well here is some new pics...

My Jack Herer x (Comrade (White Russian x BLack Russian) x Dj shorts Blueberry x Apollo 11) F1... Sativa pheno # 1 also known as JHxCxBA

Shitty yield but crazy finger calyx super sweet and frosty

(bottom nugs)

JHxCxBA pheno # 2

Comrade x Blue Apollo back cross 1

G-13 Haze

All the small plants at the front are younger clones from Killer queen (G-13 x C-99) Lone stars cut and G-13 haze

older JHxCxBA mixed pheno's

Plant in middle is Chocolate Thia pheno # 1 (huge yielder)

JHxCxBA... Indica pheno

The chicken wire fence is 4 feet tall to help keep out rabbits and deer and you can tell how tall the plants are compared to the fence some are almost 7 feet tall


i am not telling you how to be growing your plants, but wouldn't it be a smarter idea to put individual fences around each plant? if one deer or rabbit got in there they would have the run of the place. it happened to a friend of mine. the following year he put up individual fences around his plants and only one plant got attacked by a rodent. it got caught in there trying to follow the scent of the fish emulsion. the fucker tore the plant up like the tasmanian devil trying to get out.

your a way more experienced grower than me. just tryin to help
deer are real deep where I live, but I control them with panther piss and human hair.. You can see where they chill all around the area just not in the area.. I need to shoot the mother fuckers and buy a deep freezer...