why do people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to say something stupid?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
O.k. Since no one else has added it I will. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. You also can't threaten people without consequences. Freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want. :weed:
In a way, yes the freedom of speech does give one the right to say what they want, with VERY few exceptions, like yelling fire as you mentioned as that is a safety thing. You do have the right to yell fire, but you also will be responsible for the outcome, e.g. causing a stampede and making a false fire alarm. You have the right to yell it, but you will pay for it if your claim is false because you are expected to yell that if there is a fire.
If you were to say something incorrect about someone and it causes damage, you are hit with libel or defamation and you are hit with that, not for speaking your mind.

Everyone at some time will say something that offense others. No where in the constitution does it say anyone has a right not to be offended. That is why that freedom is there. It stops government from telling someone to shut up because the government doesn't like it. That is why some people bash one news group and praise another. Both can say their piece without being controlled by the state.

Now that said, freedom of speech does not mean one must be heard. If you don't like something being said on TV, turn the channel. If you don't like what someone is saying, just stop listening. If you don't like a post, don't respond to it and like all posts, it will fall the way side.

Someone may have the right to say what ever they want, but there is nothing forcing me to have to listen to it, or even agree with it.


Well-Known Member
In a way, yes the freedom of speech does give one the right to say what they want, with VERY few exceptions, like yelling fire as you mentioned as that is a safety thing. You do have the right to yell fire, but you also will be responsible for the outcome, e.g. causing a stampede and making a false fire alarm. You have the right to yell it, but you will pay for it if your claim is false because you are expected to yell that if there is a fire.
If you were to say something incorrect about someone and it causes damage, you are hit with libel or defamation and you are hit with that, not for speaking your mind.

Everyone at some time will say something that offense others. No where in the constitution does it say anyone has a right not to be offended. That is why that freedom is there. It stops government from telling someone to shut up because the government doesn't like it. That is why some people bash one news group and praise another. Both can say their piece without being controlled by the state.

Now that said, freedom of speech does not mean one must be heard. If you don't like something being said on TV, turn the channel. If you don't like what someone is saying, just stop listening. If you don't like a post, don't respond to it and like all posts, it will fall the way side.

Someone may have the right to say what ever they want, but there is nothing forcing me to have to listen to it, or even agree with it.
It seems that people think freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want at anytime, with no negative repercussions. That is the point I was making. You are right, you can yell "fire" when there isn't one but you can also be prosecuted for it. Some would say that since this is the case we don't really have freedom of speech.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
It seems that people think freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want at anytime, with no negative repercussions. That is the point I was making. You are right, you can yell "fire" when there isn't one but you can also be prosecuted for it. Some would say that since this is the case we don't really have freedom of speech.
I agree with you. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from being prosecuted if what one says is a violation of a law. Too many people have forgotten that or never learned it. I can say publicly that XXX is a child molester, but if what I say is false, that is defamation. If I print it in a news paper, it is libel. I have the freedom to proclaim in the public that I smoke cannabis and I grow it at home. That does not break any laws, but if LEO checks me out after I say it and finds my grow, I am fucked and my statement is now a confession. Me saying I was expressing my freedom of speech does not mean diddly squat then.

And for those who say they have the right to kick someones ass for what they say, as stated, you can say it but if you do it that is assault. It may also get ones ass kicked in return as that is self defense.


Well-Known Member
the west boro church group is what im talking about. these guys have extremist views and no qualms what so ever about sharing them. what about muslim fanatics who preech hatred of the west and america? when you hear people talking about the obliteration of isreal, is this what freedom of speech is all about?
is the idea of complete freedom of speech undermined by the mutterings of idiots?
Never heard of the westboro church, but how many extremist muslims do you see talking about freedom of speech?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Never heard of the westboro church, but how many extremist muslims do you see talking about freedom of speech?
I know of the Westboro Church very well. They like to protest at solder's funerals. As much as I despise them, they do have the right to do their thing in a peaceful manner. I am a member of a national group,
hxxp://www.patriotguard.org/, and our job is to show in larger numbers and block them from the family. They protest, they show up uninvited. We are invited by the family or we don't show up. The family asks for us to honor the fallen as invited guests. We express that freedom ONLY when invited, but the WB people just show up to cause problems...and since the majority of WB are attorneys, they make litigation money if they are prevented from exercising their rights or are physically harassed.


Well-Known Member
I know of the Westboro Church very well. They like to protest at solder's funerals. As much as I despise them, they do have the right to do their thing in a peaceful manner. I am a member of a national group,
hxxp://www.patriotguard.org/, and our job is to show in larger numbers and block them from the family. They protest, they show up uninvited. We are invited by the family or we don't show up. The family asks for us to honor the fallen as invited guests. We express that freedom ONLY when invited, but the WB people just show up to cause problems...and since the majority of WB are attorneys, they make litigation money if they are prevented from exercising their rights or are physically harassed.
I think I heard something about that. That's just fucked up.