goverment and police


Well-Known Member
In a local news papper i was reading about a drug bust 2 doors down from the police station this in it's self made me laugth.But then i was ammazed too read that any plant found on the grounds of the bust was put down at been worth £1000 what a load of fucking shit.How can the police put a price on every grow when every grow produce's differant weights.The guy in question had 17 plants so he will be going directly to jail and not passing go.I think someone forgot to tell these guys that cannabis loses 75% of it's final weight when dry.:leaf:
In a local news papper i was reading about a drug bust 2 doors down from the police station this in it's self made me laugth.But then i was ammazed too read that any plant found on the grounds of the bust was put down at been worth £1000 what a load of fucking shit.How can the police put a price on every grow when every grow produce's differant weights.The guy in question had 17 plants so he will be going directly to jail and not passing go.I think someone forgot to tell these guys that cannabis loses 75% of it's final weight when dry.:leaf:
The cops don't care about that. They only care about padding their busts and making themselves look better and the so called "criminals" look worse. It's the same reason they always throw extra b.s. charges on when they make an arrest. Total B.S.!!!!
I watched an episode of cops where they raided a house and estimated each plant to have a steet value of something retarded, I think they do that just to make themselves look better....
I watched an episode of cops where they raided a house and estimated each plant to have a steet value of something retarded, I think they do that just to make themselves look better....
....and to make the "crime" seem worse. It's absurd.
well they can hardly brag about busting someone for a plant worth 150 squid or people would say what a waste of time, so they bump up the price and make it look like they are catching big fish. i say to all english smokers, viva le revelution.
they always do this crap.. watch any episode of cops, which i cant hardly stomach to do, but whatever... they will catch someone with say an ounce of weed, and say it is worth wayyyyy more than any logical person would ever pay for it, say $1200 or so.. i also think they do this so that people who read the paper or arrests who don't know how much an ounce of weed is and then they see the $1200 part, they say, man, good thing those cops were out there doing there jobs as this must have been the biggest dealer in our area that they took off of the streets... whatever, this is and always has been a tactic that the police have used to make themselves look better in the ignorant publics eyes..
Fuck! I wish i could get 1000quid a plant. The polis and the goverment are totally misinformed and uneducated when it comes to drugs and their street value. Fuck em at the end of the day.
Fuck! I wish i could get 1000quid a plant. The polis and the goverment are totally misinformed and uneducated when it comes to drugs and their street value. Fuck em at the end of the day.
Come up with some super potent, super quick growing strain and who knows what you could get for a plant.
the cops always use numbers on the high side based on a plant that matures outside to a huge plant or inside with cloning. Saw something about it on TV. As if every plant was to be cloned crops turned 4 times a year was also added to the story. Reminded me of a tuna salad sandwich. Mix it all up and see what you get...