dude... i have learned that hate gets you nowhere.. negativity breads negativity... it is crazy how this works, but is does.. when you are all pissed off at the world and not doig the right things for you, than you get shit right back at you.. and when you are being a positive person, just thinking positive thoughts and being a positive person, then good and positive things come back to you.. i had a bad drug problem.. and was doing alot of stupid and crazy negative things in my life.. also hated everyone, and especially myself for the choices that i was making in life and where my life was going, and i just kept getting more and more negative results.. getting arrested.. hooked on drugs, family hated me, no one wanted to be near me as i was soo self destructive everyone knew that to be near me meant bringing my negativity their way.. and who wants that.. but over the past 8 or so years now, i have changed my way of thinking and acting... no longer strung out, no longer think that the world is one big shit hole, and have come to realize that is was shitty cuz of the way that i was living and thinking. the craziest thing has happened to me over the last 8 years.. i find that since i have changed my thinking to a more positive attitude that i no longer keep attracting negativity but rather positive things keep happening in my life.. my family no longer thinks that i am a complete scumbag, i am now a father figure to my fatherless nephew, and life is pretty good these days... don't get me wrong, i stll have my bad days, and life definitely still happens, but the way that i deal with shit and the way that good things come back to me just goes to show me that being a postive person has way more perks than being f-ed up on pills or whatever and hating the world had ever gotten me.
and you even said it yourself.. you have had 5 life changing thngs happen to you in the past year or so.. and guess what bro, keep a positive outlook on life and be gratefull for what you have instead of resentfull for what you don't or what others have or don't have, and number 6 could be right around the corner..meaning that your life could change wayy for the better.. get off the benzo's, clear your head, and start to live and think another way, a positive way, and you will be amazed at how fast your life and outlook on the world would turn right around..
best of luck man... sometimes the world can be a cold mean place, but it is what you do with it that makes all of the difference in your life..