tree farmer
Well-Known Member
Yea that sounds like some good advice. I think ill leave the on setting at 2sec and leave the pause at 4 minutes. It seems to me so far that the increased demands of a little one might dictate things to be a little wetter.I tend to leave the misting pulse timing alone as much as possible and just vary the pause time.
My reasoning is the misting duration will be directly linked to the pause duration.. making the roots even slightly wetter (relatively)will mean they can handle a much longer pause. Altering the mist timing affects two variables, messing with the pause timing only really affects one. Thats my take on it anyway
g-love noticed the mist was hanging around in the chamber for over 3 minutes (which does suggest sub 5 um droplets) and promptly increased the pause timing to good effect.
Its really hard to see whats hanging around in those chambers because its hard to see the mist unless the light is just right going thru the access holes. ive noticed also that the roots are very fragile at this stage so i dont lift the net pots out which would give me a better look at how the mist is actually hanging around. Im afraid though by the time the roots are tough enough theyll probably be to many of them and i wont be able to get the net pot out.
Oh well this is just a test run now anyway.