I'm pretty sure I suck at this. Please Help



Well I started with two golden goat clones, well 4 but the other two were subject to our first pH issues.

The pH was fixed. However, it started snowing then stopped and disaster has struck temp wise.

So, we were maintaining around 70 at lights off and 80 tops when lights on. Then, it snowed and got really cold in the house, my roommate turned the heater on. Then the next day it was 70 degrees outside, heater was still on. Woke up and the temp had hit over 90. One plant, our good one, suffered horribly. The other looked good for a day. Then we switched it to a T5 fixture with four 4 foot bulbs. Now the second one's bottom leaves are turning yellow. We're 5 days into the grow.

Water contains Botanicare Pro Growth at 1/2 strength. pH has been stable at 6.1. Water temp has been around 75 degrees, except for the hot day.

here are picture of the plants. I know it's sad. Please help me out and tell me why golden goat 1 is starting to turn yellow, is it the effects of the heat? :confused:

picture 1: Golden Goat 1 (11/22/09)
picture 2: Golden Goat 2 (11/22/09)
picture 3: Golden Goat 1 (11/24/09)
picture 4: Golden Goat 2 (11/24/09)



Well-Known Member
When you say clones do you mean cuttings or are they already well rooted? looks to me like the are overwatered


When you say clones do you mean cuttings or are they already well rooted? looks to me like the are overwatered

They were rooted fairly well, bought from a depensery. Over watered? Should I have the water pump on a timer? I just bought a bubbleponics system and plugged it in how their directions stated.

rockwool with hydroton rocks. golden goat 2 had roots to the water, golden goat 1 hadn't touched yet.

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
Yes---you should set up a timed watering cycle and make sure to drop your PH down to 5.5---5.8 tops. Do you have an airstone in the rez??? you also need to make sure that the water is getting to the clone roots???


Yes---you should set up a timed watering cycle and make sure to drop your PH down to 5.5---5.8 tops. Do you have an airstone in the rez??? you also need to make sure that the water is getting to the clone roots???

Wow, pH that low huh? Most people have been recommending keeping it near 6.0 with a range from 5.5-6.5. Can you expand on why it needs to be so low? Yes, I have a 12" airstone running 24hrs.

I just hooked up a timer to the water pump, the drip system will run for 2 hours every 6 hours. Does that sound okay? My RH is between 30% - 40%. temp steady around 78F and lighting is 18/6 with the four T5 4' bulbs roughly 14" above the plant

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Wow, pH that low huh? Most people have been recommending keeping it near 6.0 with a range from 5.5-6.5. Can you expand on why it needs to be so low? Yes, I have a 12" airstone running 24hrs.

I just hooked up a timer to the water pump, the drip system will run for 2 hours every 6 hours. Does that sound okay? My RH is between 30% - 40%. temp steady around 78F and lighting is 18/6 with the four T5 4' bulbs roughly 14" above the plant
5.1.to 5.8= Hydro

6.1 to 6.8= Soil

Hope this helps


5.1.to 5.8= Hydro

6.1 to 6.8= Soil

Hope this helps

Thanks for the info. I will try to hit 5.5 on the water change in a few days.

Does the watering cycle seem sufficient, or will I now be underwatering them. Is 3 hours of water on and three hours off the happy medium? Any recommendations would be much appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Is that a drip line I see tucked in that hydroton? If so get rid of it and leave the air stones on in the resivoir. the splashes that the buubles make when they break the surface is plenty of water for them,it will wick its way through the hydroton and reach the rockwool with no proplem.Just make sure your water level is about 3 inches from the bottom of the net cup. Also a ph of 6.1 in a bubble system is fine,I keep mine between 5.7-6.2 and get great results.Just remember that with bubble systems the plants are constantly feeding so ther is no need to run a high stregth fertilizer. I run 300ppm for seedligs or rooted clones/ 600-800ppm for veg/ 900-1200ppm for flowering. Hope this helps and good luck with thase plant man