These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS


They dont seem to want to grow too fast, Im using general hydroponics flora series on the seedling stage so I dont see why it would be getting too many nutrients but thats what it looks like. Or could it possibly be light burn? Even though they are under cool fluorescents? I have no idea but the leaves are curling down, one has a brown spot in it and they are just slow as hell! :confused: Also some of the leaves are a DARK green and the tops of the leaves the veins are like yellowish. and the leaves arent quite as soft. Haha threw the last pics in of the Sour Cream! Im germin those now! ANY INPUT OR HELP on this subject is much appreciated.



Oh and by the way I water 3 Times per day for 15 Min per interval.
18/6 Lighting and they are 2 weeks old as of today. Some have grown substantially where others look like they are little seedlings still! WHAT THE F???
I know I have algae in the tray however there is none in the res or lines.
Temperature usually stays around 70-80 degrees.

nz green

Active Member
they look sweet man whats your cf and ph, temp is sweet oh and whats your rez temp check both ph and cf in your tank and rock wool they might be different im using canna A-B and rhizotonic pumice as my medium in a 30litre big bucket system i made it myself simple az i feed for 15mins every 6 hours


Its kind of hard to tell right now. I think that whatever is happening isn't at a dangerous level yet...if that makes sense. Keep doing what you are doing for now, and post pictures in a week.


Its kind of hard to tell right now. I think that whatever is happening isn't at a dangerous level yet...if that makes sense. Keep doing what you are doing for now, and post pictures in a week.
Ok will do thanks for your help.

looks to me like burn from lights.
That's what I thought but a temp reading from the top leafs (about 1.5" away) shows its a steady 81 degrees and its not hot at all! Im only assuming this because I have followed Journals of growers exceeding 90 with good growth. New to me!

they look sweet man whats your cf and ph, temp is sweet oh and whats your rez temp check both ph and cf in your tank and rock wool they might be different im using canna A-B and rhizotonic pumice as my medium in a 30litre big bucket system i made it myself simple az i feed for 15mins every 6 hours
Hey whats up bro thanks for helpin out! What do you mean by cf? My ph is 5.8 and my temps usually are around 70 at night and 80 in the day. My rez temp is always steady with the room so it goes from 70 @ night to 80 in the day as well. Rockwool is Grodan, I thought rockwool didnt affect the PH?

Thanks for all the help with this. Even more is always appreciated!

nz green

Active Member
cf is conductivity factor same as ppm and ec which tells you the strenghth of your nutes just something i red a while back someone growing in rockwool there tank was perfect he tested the rockwool and the levels were almost 2x optimal that could throw the ph out in the rockwool give it a flush with just ph water just a suggestion bro hold your hand over them if your hand doesnt heat up within a minute you can rule out light burn and another thing my rez never goes over 70, at 65-68 water can hold way more oxygen

nz green

Active Member
and it wont be the rockwool affecting the ph it would be the nute build up-if it has a nute buil up that is


cf is conductivity factor same as ppm and ec which tells you the strenghth of your nutes just something i red a while back someone growing in rockwool there tank was perfect he tested the rockwool and the levels were almost 2x optimal that could throw the ph out in the rockwool give it a flush with just ph water just a suggestion bro hold your hand over them if your hand doesnt heat up within a minute you can rule out light burn and another thing my rez never goes over 70, at 65-68 water can hold way more oxygen
Hey bro thanks alot, I think thats exactly what it is, nute build up. Im going to flush them and then leave them. How much water should I flush per plant, and how many times should I flush? Thanks again man

nz green

Active Member
just do it for 2-3 days at the same watering cycle, do you have a ppm and ph meter? what id do is flush it till your meter reads happy about half strength let them come right then slowly beef the nutes back up...then soon itl be bongsmilietime lol


just do it for 2-3 days at the same watering cycle, do you have a ppm and ph meter? what id do is flush it till your meter reads happy about half strength let them come right then slowly beef the nutes back up...then soon itl be bongsmilietime lol
I do have a pH meter, just no ppm. I plan on purchasing one here soon, for right now just going by GH suggested nutes schedule for a 10 gal res. Thanks for the tip, I will leave it on the regular cycle w/ just water. Its weird, I am using a 5 gal bucket w/ just water w/ ph corrected at 6.0 now and I am looking at my rez that has the nutes in it and there is this almost oily looking blotches all over the surface of the water and the pump and hoses are nasty slimy!

Do you think this caused my plants to wilt? :confused:

nz green

Active Member
na my pump has that slimy stuff just flush it with the ph water and u need a ppm meter you wont go rong with one i forgot to say change the rez everyday while flushing pain in the ass but worth it 3days i recon and youl be away


na my pump has that slimy stuff just flush it with the ph water and u need a ppm meter you wont go rong with one i forgot to say change the rez everyday while flushing pain in the ass but worth it 3days i recon and youl be away
Ok thanks so much, I will grab a PPM meter and a Digital PH meter as well so I can more accurately calculate PH. What PH Do you recommend for my system? (10 Gal drip system)
Its amazing how much help you can get! Thanks bro! Ima hop over to your thread now BURN ON!

nz green

Active Member
i have a 50litre rez when i mix in the canna nutes and my ppm meter reads happy my ph is perfect 6.0 i check it every 2-3 days if it drops low which is hardly ever during veg check the ph of your tap water my tap waters quite a high ph so i use that to try and adjust the ph if its to low before using ph up if its to high i have to use ph down during veg i keep my ph between 5.8-6.0 during flowering i try keep it 6.0-6.5

nz green

Active Member
i know someone whos grown hydro for 25 years i follow alot of what he had to pass on to me and thats one of the things he told me to do he had by far the best results iv seen he grew 18 ounce plants one of the buds i seen nearly weighed 6oz


Awesome thanks for the tip!

The plants are already looking better! Slowly but surely coming back! Im gonna continue to flush it on the regular water cycle with water corrected to 6.0 for one more cycle and then Im gonna start them back up on a 1/4 strength nute solution. I will post pics here soon ! Thanks to all who helped!



What kind of light are you using?
I am using 2 x 4' Fluorescents from walmart 15$ or so. Cool white and warm white bulb in each fixture.

Here are updated pics after a day of flushing. They seem to be getting better, however the wilted tips and along the edges are still kinda curved down.

Will it recover or?? Anything I should look for?

