Why Doest't My Marijuana Smell Like Marijuana?


Does anyone have any idea as to why these buds don't smell even remotely like marijuana?

When it was on the plant, it smelled somewhat like marijuana. Then I harvested. Now it is dry and during in a mason jar. It doesnt' however, smell even remotely like marijuana. I just don't get why it doesn't smell like marijuana.



Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any idea as to why these buds don't smell even remotely like marijuana?

When it was on the plant, it smelled somewhat like marijuana. Then I harvested. Now it is dry and during in a mason jar. It doesnt' however, smell even remotely like marijuana. I just don't get why it doesn't smell like marijuana.
How long has it been curing? What is the strain? Fragrance of marijuana can vary widely between the different strains. Some have hardly any smell at all.


Well-Known Member
i think it looks a little premature, too many long hairs.

who cares what it smells like, LOOK AT IT! looks fuckin dank and crystaly


Well-Known Member
Iv grown Weed that has not had any smell during the bloom or drying.. It unlocked slightly during cure, but once smoked it unleashed 1 of the most fragrant tasty Buds that iv had d pleasure of enjoying..


Well-Known Member
Cure it longer. Usually I find bud will smell kind of like Hay if it wasn't dried enough or cured enough.


Cool, those are some encouraging posts. It has only been curing for two days. This is my first successful grow (after one unsuccessful try). I just thought it would smell like marijuana right off the vine. I guess not though.



New Member
Werd it LOOKs like fuckin dank marijuana at that good job. Give them another 3-4 weeks in the jars (don't forget to burp em daily for 10 minutes at least) and it will take on the smell we all know and love good job again tho it really looks spectacular for ur second first grow :joint:


Well-Known Member
Like everyone is saying, the aroma will develop during curing, try and cure it for a couple of weeks. Curing also helps with the potency.


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue on my first grow....why no smell? after a couple of weeks in the curing jars the smell was developing. After I used my grinder to smoke a joint, the smell really hit me.
Like everyoine here is saying, it looks good. give it some time & it will smell good.


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue on my first grow....why no smell? after a couple of weeks in the curing jars the smell was developing. After I used my grinder to smoke a joint, the smell really hit me.
Like everyoine here is saying, it looks good. give it some time & it will smell good.
Exactly, I have some from my first grow that does not smell at all until you actually crumble it a bit to put it in the bong. I usually smell my finger like I did when I was a teenager finger fucking. Just keep curing and you will be amazed when you smoke it. Its helping you by not smelling up the place.

looks like some amazing smoke. congrats:joint: